From 05/19/2002 to 06/17/2002
- 03:59 PM Revision 1229 (metacat): added mappings for new eml beta6 stylesheets
- 02:37 PM Revision 1228 (metacat): Change the maximum connection number from 10 to 25.
- 02:36 PM Revision 1227 (metacat): Change eml-tag to RELEASE_EML_2_0_0_BETA_6_REV1. In "getdtd" target, style sheet will be check out from eml module and will be copy to lib/style.
- 11:20 AM Revision 1222 (metacat): Change the test case order.
- 09:36 AM Revision 1221 (metacat): Add code to shrink connection pool size. If all connections are free.
- 09:36 AM Revision 1220 (metacat): Add a new method shrinkConnectionPoolSize .
- 03:43 PM Revision 1219 (metacat): Add a new method to shrink DBConnection pool size.
- 12:01 PM Revision 1218 (metacat): Add this file from branch to head.
- 11:54 AM Revision 1217 (metacat): Merge DBConnection branch to head.
- 11:51 AM Revision 1216 (metacat): Merger DBConnect branch to head.
- 11:37 AM Revision 1215 (metacat): Merge DBConnection branch to head.
- 11:37 AM Revision 1214 (metacat): Merge branch to head.
- 04:09 PM Revision 1142 (metacat): Change back to Connection. DBConnection will store in cvs branch..
- 03:56 PM Revision 1141 (metacat): Change back to Connection. DBConnection will store in a cvs branch.
- 03:51 PM Revision 1140 (metacat): Change back to using Connection. The DBConnection will be store in a cvs branch.
- 03:47 PM Revision 1139 (metacat): Change to using Connection back rather than DBConnection. DBConnection will be store in a cvs branch.
- 08:52 AM Revision 1138 (metacat): Add a new method commit.
- 10:33 PM Revision 1137 (metacat): Change the API for dbAdopter.
- 10:30 PM Revision 1136 (metacat): Change back to pass Connection a parameter.
- 10:29 PM Revision 1135 (metacat): Change back to pass connection as parameter.
- 10:28 PM Revision 1134 (metacat): Change back to pass connection as a parameter. Because new connection will cause an error.
- 10:26 PM Revision 1133 (metacat): Change back to pass connection as paramter in getUniqueID, otherwise new connection will cause a error:
- sequence XML_NODES_ID_SEQ.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session
- 08:50 PM Revision 1132 (metacat): Add a new method - createStatement.
- 08:48 PM Revision 1131 (metacat): Correct the parameter of getDBConnection - methodName in code.
- 08:42 PM Revision 1130 (metacat): Change for every method to use getDBConnection and returnDBConnection to manage DBConnection.
- 08:39 PM Revision 1129 (metacat): Using getDBConenction rather than pass connection as parameter.
- 08:38 PM Revision 1128 (metacat): Using getDBConnection rather than pass connection as a parameter.
- 08:36 PM Revision 1127 (metacat): Using getDBConnection method rather than a parameter.
- 08:35 PM Revision 1126 (metacat): Change the prototype of method getUniqeID
- 05:58 PM Revision 1125 (metacat): Add DBConnectionPool object in servlet's init method and DBConnectionPool's release method in servlet's destory method.
- 05:56 PM Revision 1124 (metacat): Delete connection as a class field and make every method to check in and check out connection if it need.
- 05:54 PM Revision 1123 (metacat): Make a every method check in and check out DBConnection if this method need a connection.
- 01:40 PM Revision 1122 (metacat): In returnDBConnection method, a new parameter named serialNumber was added. It will compare to the checkOutSerialNumber in DBConnection.
- 01:38 PM Revision 1121 (metacat): Add a new attribute named checkOutSerialNumber, which to make sure when DBConnection would not be check in mutiple times.
- 08:46 AM Revision 1120 (metacat): Change some debug message.
- 08:22 PM Revision 1119 (metacat): Change package name of this class.
- 08:19 PM Revision 1118 (metacat): Change package name. Factor of docid change from 10000 to 100000.
- 08:17 PM Revision 1117 (metacat): Change package name and data file path. The factor for docid change from 10000 to 100000.
- 08:15 PM Revision 1116 (metacat): Change directories setting for junit test and junit nettest.
- 03:56 PM Revision 1115 (metacat): This is the data file for testing insert data file action.
- 03:55 PM Revision 1114 (metacat): This is a net test file for metacat.
- 03:53 PM Revision 1113 (metacat): Add to cvs
- 03:52 PM Revision 1112 (metacat): Add metacat test to cvs.
- 03:48 PM Revision 1111 (metacat): delete it
- 03:40 PM Revision 1110 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 02:26 PM Revision 1109 (metacat): Change the file path from aboslute to relative.
- 01:11 PM Revision 1108 (metacat): Add the test case for inserting data file.
- 01:10 PM Revision 1107 (metacat): Add a set system peroperty -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=HTTPClient in nettest target.
- Fixed the bug in running ant in gethttpclient target.
- 01:05 PM Revision 1106 (metacat): This is is a text file will be inert into metacat for testing. The content is "Hello, world".
- 09:30 PM Revision 1105 (metacat): This is new package and its testcase will involve morpho httpmessage class to insert data file.
- 09:25 PM Revision 1104 (metacat): Add the test case to insert invalidate xml and non well-formed xml documents.
- 09:23 PM Revision 1103 (metacat): Add two targets in build file: gethttpclient and nettest. gethttpclient wil checkout morpho and ran ant get httpclient.jar(cvs doesn't have httpclient.jar). nettest will run a junit test which will involve httpclient.jar file.
- 09:59 AM Revision 1102 (metacat): Add the code to handle error in the respone for a update request.
- 09:53 AM Revision 1101 (metacat): Add test ssl work or not in handleUpdateRequest method too.
- 08:36 AM Revision 1100 (metacat): Change code to handle the error message.
- 08:35 AM Revision 1099 (metacat): Add error message to outPut in catch clause in handleGetDocument Request.
- 05:27 PM Revision 1098 (metacat): In update method, add code to handle if a user couldn't pass a trusting test.
- 05:25 PM Revision 1097 (metacat): Add a test action in replication. Before handle read and read data file action. Metacat will take a test to see if the trust key in key store. If not, wouldn't replicate documents.This is security issue.
- 05:23 PM Revision 1096 (metacat): Add debugMessage level in this class
- 01:12 PM Revision 1095 (metacat): Add a method getDBConnection. In this method, method name of method which checked out the connection can be passed to DBConnection object. In run() method, if a connection is checked out for too long (30 seconds), the method name and connection name will be print out.
- 01:08 PM Revision 1094 (metacat): Add a attribute named checkOutMethodName and relative method. This variable can keep track which mehod check out the DBConnection.
- 01:06 PM Revision 1093 (metacat): Add two variables here: one is runDBConnectionRecycleThread. If it set "on", the recycle connection tread will run periodically. The other is cycleTimeOfDBConnection. This is for the recycle periodical time in milli seconds.
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