



From 01/25/2003 to 02/23/2003


05:52 PM Revision 1417 (metacat): Add code to handle subtree.
Jing Tao
05:52 PM Revision 1416 (metacat): Every call to write into xml_nodes will return current node id.
Jing Tao
05:51 PM Revision 1415 (metacat): Add a varible to keep track node id and every call for write to xml_nodes will return a node id.
Jing Tao
05:50 PM Revision 1414 (metacat): A new class to store info about sub tree.
Jing Tao


07:05 PM Revision 1413 (metacat): Add code to handle additional access data and reference.
Jing Tao


11:58 AM Revision 1412 (metacat): Add the code to handle text nodes were splitted to couples.
Jing Tao
11:58 AM Revision 1411 (metacat): Add the code the handle text node was splitted
Jing Tao


05:23 PM Revision 1410 (metacat): After finishing parsing a access rule and accessSection, assign them to a new object.
Jing Tao
05:01 PM Revision 1409 (metacat): Set a condition to for setting eml2 parser.
Jing Tao
04:57 PM Revision 1408 (metacat): Access control for documents level works.
Jing Tao
04:56 PM Revision 1407 (metacat): Set up an eml parser.
Jing Tao
04:56 PM Revision 1406 (metacat): Implement clone method.
Jing Tao


06:02 PM Revision 1405 (metacat): Implement to handle document level access control.
Jing Tao
06:01 PM Revision 1404 (metacat): Change a varible from private to protected.
Jing Tao
06:00 PM Revision 1403 (metacat): Fixed error.
Jing Tao
06:00 PM Revision 1402 (metacat): Add copy object method.
Jing Tao
05:59 PM Revision 1401 (metacat): Add some constants
Jing Tao


06:26 PM Revision 1400 (metacat): A new class to reprent a eml access module.
Jing Tao
06:25 PM Revision 1399 (metacat): A new class represents access rules, include principles, permissions.
Jing Tao
06:24 PM Revision 1398 (metacat): A new sax parser will handle eml2 (not finished yet)
Jing Tao
06:23 PM Revision 1397 (metacat): Add a new contant string access.
Jing Tao


03:08 PM Revision 1396 (metacat): Add code to call SchemaLocationResolver.
Jing Tao
03:05 PM Revision 1395 (metacat): Change schemalocationkeywords constant from private to public and it can be reused.
Jing Tao
09:31 AM Revision 1394 (metacat): Change the debugMessage method. Only debug is true and debug level is higher, the statement can be print out.
Jing Tao


07:29 PM Revision 1393 (metacat): Add two varibles: schemaPath and schemaURL.
Jing Tao
07:28 PM Revision 1392 (metacat): Change checkURLConnection to public static. It can be rused.
Jing Tao
07:27 PM Revision 1391 (metacat): New class to handle ingore user specification for schema location, upload new schemalocation to metacat and register namespace and schema location in xml_catalog table.
Jing Tao


05:14 PM Revision 1390 (metacat): Set mutiple external schema locations for parser.
Jing Tao


06:08 PM Revision 1389 (metacat): If insert a schema xml, the doctype will be root element name space.
Jing Tao
03:55 PM Revision 1388 (metacat): Code to handle text node was splited.
Jing Tao
03:51 PM Revision 1387 (metacat): Add code to handle text node was splited.
Jing Tao
03:50 PM Revision 1386 (metacat): Change package query.
Jing Tao
03:49 PM Revision 1385 (metacat): Add code to handle text code was splited.
Jing Tao
03:48 PM Revision 1384 (metacat): Add schema validation parameter here.
Jing Tao
03:26 PM Revision 1383 (metacat): Make the paser knew namespace and schema validation.
Jing Tao
03:25 PM Revision 1382 (metacat): New class to wrap documentimple.
Jing Tao
03:23 PM Revision 1381 (metacat): Delete the file to clean up access table.
Jing Tao
03:22 PM Revision 1380 (metacat): Delete the file to clean access table.
Jing Tao
03:21 PM Revision 1379 (metacat): Delete the file which will clean up access table.
Jing Tao


11:12 AM Revision 1378 (metacat): Using xercesImpl 2.2.1 to replace the xercesImple which shipped with xalan
Jing Tao


12:29 PM Revision 1377 (metacat): Change some output for inser documents.
Jing Tao


01:31 PM Revision 1376 (metacat): Change xerces.jar to xercesImpl.jar
Jing Tao
01:30 PM Revision 1375 (metacat): xml-api.jar shipped from xalan 2.4.1
Jing Tao
01:27 PM Revision 1374 (metacat): New version xalan of 2.4.1
Jing Tao
12:24 PM Revision 1373 (metacat): New xerces jar file shipped with xalan 2.4.1 version.
Jing Tao
12:17 PM Revision 1372 (metacat): Remove xerces version 1.4.
Jing Tao

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