



From 04/27/2003 to 05/26/2003


01:15 PM Bug #1048: create delete from ldap table code
The Perl code is completely fixed and also all the 'ldap' table(database) and
ldap interfaces are tested.
Dhanu Babu


06:16 PM Bug #968: Access control for eml2 documents
Currently, metacat only support access control for top level. The others rule
will be ignored.
Jing Tao
06:14 PM Bug #1053: 'ampersand' (&) problem in ResultSet
In extended query, the value for return fields need to be normalized(for
example, '&' should be replaced by "&"....
Jing Tao
04:54 PM Bug #1053 (Resolved): 'ampersand' (&) problem in ResultSet
One of Christy's students entered an ampersnaf ('&') in the dataPackage name
field for a package and discovered that...
Dan Higgins
06:10 PM Bug #468: TLS between ldap server and metacat
Postphone it to next release
Jing Tao
06:09 PM Bug #636: Need to generalize data/metadata linking mechanism
For eml2, we still use relation table to store the relationship between data
and metadata.
Jing Tao
06:08 PM Bug #929: Occasionally, deletes are VERY slow
It is hard to duplicate the problem. Acturally it very fast delete a file from
Jing Tao
06:05 PM Bug #195: allow metacat to store files on multiple fs
Postone to next release
Jing Tao


09:20 AM Bug #1012: Need to allow metacat admin to set default mime type
When usr asks for a data file, metacat will take a look on xml_relation table
to find a metadata document which desc...
Jing Tao
08:36 AM Bug #1032: Metacat replication needs email for failure (hub especially)
An eorr log file was sperate from replication log file. So it is easy to find
which document was failed in replicati...
Jing Tao

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