From 05/29/2014 to 06/27/2014
- 05:06 PM Revision 8805 (metacat): handle multiple subprocessors (RDF and ORE) before the object gets indexed by making sure to merge the solr doc map before submitting to the index.
- 01:58 PM Revision 8804 (metacat): use maven for datamanager dependency now that EML project has been [partially] maven-ized.
- 03:47 PM Revision 8803 (metacat): switch to use utilities from Maven repo instead of pulling from SVN and building locally. Added trunk/SNAPSHOT build to dev-testing Hudson (DataONE) for users who do not actively develop the utilities library. Motivated by the HTML->PDF utility, seemed like as good a time as any to convert Metacat's dependency on the project.
- 02:53 PM Revision 8802 (metacat): remove dependency on HttpMessage that was in the utilities project but is now removed in favor of newer (standard) http client library code.
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