



From 12/24/2014 to 01/22/2015


05:50 PM Revision 9074 (metacat): Add a converter to convert the V2 Log object to the V1 Log object.
Jing Tao


02:25 PM Revision 9073 (metacat): Add the rules to check the if a sid is valid in the updateSystemMetadata method.
Jing Tao


05:59 PM Revision 9072 (metacat): Implemented the feature to support the identifier(both sid and pid) feature in the objectLists method.
Jing Tao
02:22 PM Revision 9071 (metacat): The MN.listobjects and CN.listobjects methods will call the one in the D1NodeService class.
Jing Tao
12:29 PM Revision 9070 (metacat): Add the code to check if the pid is an SID in the registerSystemMetadata method.
Jing Tao


05:36 PM Revision 9069 (metacat): Add code to check if the sid equals pid for the method checkSidInRegisterSystemMetadata.
Jing Tao
05:27 PM Revision 9068 (metacat): Moved the rules for the SID from D1NodeService.create to MNodeService.create.
Also moved the code to check the validation of an pid from D1NodeService.create to MNodeService.create, MNodeService.... Jing Tao
04:56 PM Revision 9067 (metacat): Add the code to check if a sid is legitimate in the method create and registerSystemMetadata.
Jing Tao


05:33 PM Revision 9066 (metacat): The the code to handle sids on the v2 api - setReplicationPolicy, setReplicationStatus, setAccessPolicy and setObsoletedBy.
Jing Tao
04:57 PM Revision 9065 (metacat): Add the code to handle if a identifier is a sid in setAccessPolicy, setReplicationPolicy, setObsoletedBy and setRreplicationStatus.
Jing Tao


04:52 PM Revision 9064 (metacat): Comment out a print of an error message. It will show up for every public request.
Jing Tao
04:37 PM Revision 9063 (metacat): Add the code to handle SID in the getLogRecords method.
Jing Tao
04:03 PM Revision 9062 (metacat): In the getLogRecords method, the pidFilter is checked if it exists.
Jing Tao
04:02 PM Revision 9061 (metacat): In the getLogRecords method, the pidFilter is checked if it exists.
Jing Tao
12:02 PM Revision 9060 (metacat): use new IDocumentDeleteSubprocessors to handle clean-up of annotation index fields when annotations are removed.
ben leinfelder
12:01 PM Revision 9059 (metacat): Fixed a bug that the getLogRecords can't handle the case that the event is null.
Jing Tao
12:01 PM Revision 9058 (metacat): moved RDF XML subprocessor to cn-index project.
ben leinfelder
12:00 PM Revision 9057 (metacat): Fixed a bug that the getLogRecords can't handle the case that the event is null.
Jing Tao


03:32 PM Revision 9056 (metacat): Add the code to check the if the new series id is legitimate in the systemMetadataChanged method.
Jing Tao
02:41 PM Revision 9055 (metacat): move RDF/XML subprocessor and example configuration with SPARQL query to the cn index project from metacat so that it can be used by prov team when indexing ProvONE models in ORE documents
ben leinfelder
09:45 AM Revision 9054 (metacat): add fieldsToMerge property for annotation updates
ben leinfelder


11:01 AM Revision 9053 (metacat): add stub merge method to match Skye's recent refactoring to support reindexing when deletes are performed.
ben leinfelder


03:51 PM Revision 9052 (metacat): Add the code to test series id in the archive, delete, isAuthorized and systemMetadataChanged method.
Jing Tao
03:49 PM Revision 9051 (metacat): Add the code to support the sereis id on isAuthorized and systemMetadataChanged method.
Jing Tao


04:34 PM Revision 9050 (metacat): Add the code to handle the sid in the delete and archive method.
Jing Tao
02:10 PM Revision 9049 (metacat): Add the code to test the create and update methods using invalid sid in the system metadata.
Jing Tao
02:09 PM Revision 9048 (metacat): Fixed a bug in comparing two identifiers in the update method.
Jing Tao
11:04 AM Revision 9047 (metacat): Add a check that the sid shouldn't equals the pid in the update and create method.
Jing Tao


05:10 PM Revision 9046 (metacat): Add the code the check if the format of the sid is valid in the system metadata.
Jing Tao
05:06 PM Revision 9045 (metacat): Add the enforcement for the sid in the create method.
Jing Tao
04:26 PM Revision 9044 (metacat): Enforce the sid requirement in the update method.
Jing Tao
03:03 PM Revision 9043 (metacat): Check if the identifier is a sid for the v1 update.
Jing Tao
02:35 PM Revision 9042 (metacat): Add the code to test getChecksum.
Jing Tao
12:23 PM Revision 9041 (metacat): Add the code to handle the deleted identifier in the checking v1 system metadata existing method.
Jing Tao
11:42 AM Revision 9040 (metacat): Enforce the mn.getChecksum only to handle an PID.
Jing Tao


03:43 PM Revision 9039 (metacat): Add the test code for getSystemMetadata(sid) and describe(sid).
Jing Tao
11:41 AM Revision 9038 (metacat): Add the series id to the system metadata.
Jing Tao
09:47 AM Revision 9037 (metacat): Implement the series id in the getSystemMetadata method.
Jing Tao

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