From 08/06/2015 to 09/04/2015
- 03:13 PM Revision 9316 (metacat): Add the test case to test the setting of same status twice wouldn't increase the system metadata version.
- 03:05 PM Revision 9315 (metacat): In the setReplicaStatus method, if the coming status is the same one of the existing one, the system metadata will not be updated.
- 04:04 PM Revision 9313 (metacat): Increase the serial version before we call cn.updateSystemMetadata method.
- 03:57 PM Revision 9312 (metacat): Use a cn session to registerSystemmetadata.
- 02:29 PM Revision 9311 (metacat): Removed two intergration test cases.
- 11:02 AM Revision 9310 (metacat): Use TypeFactory to convert types.
- 09:30 AM Revision 9309 (metacat): In the isAdminAuthorized method, the faiure of the isNodeAdmin method will not interrupt the next check - if it is a cn.
- 04:44 PM Revision 9307 (metacat): Fixed a bug the total was not correct in the querySystemMetadata method.
- 03:26 PM Revision 9306 (metacat): Use the application/bagit-097 to replace application/bagit.
- 03:25 PM Revision 9305 (metacat): Use the application/bagit-097 to replace application/bagit.
- 02:50 PM Revision 9304 (metacat): Use the TypeFactory to replace the TypeMarshaller according to the change in the d1_common_java.
- 02:30 PM Revision 9302 (metacat): Clone a system metadata object in order to pass a test - updateSystemMetadata.
- 11:41 AM Revision 9301 (metacat): Use the key word "packages" to replace the "package".
- 04:52 PM Revision 9300 (metacat): Decode the string of the uri after we break the uri into parts base on the "/".
- 04:25 PM Revision 9299 (metacat): Decode the string of the uri after we break the uri into parts base on the "/".
- 03:40 PM Revision 9298 (metacat): Decode the string of the uri after we break the uri into parts base on the "/".
- 02:52 PM Revision 9297 (metacat): Decode the string of the uri after we break the uri into parts base on the "/".
- 04:06 PM Revision 9296 (metacat): The mn-demo-6 is a v2 member node.
- 04:06 PM Revision 9295 (metacat): Use the D1NodeVersionChecker to determine the mn's version rather than using ping.
- 04:04 PM Revision 9294 (metacat): When the cn.notifyReplicaNodes method, if the target MN source code is a v2 mn, we will use v2 api; if it is a v1 node, we will use v1 api.
- 05:14 PM Revision 9293 (metacat): Add a test case to test against a v1 cn.
- 04:28 PM Revision 9292 (metacat): A test class is used to test the D1NodeVersionChecker class.
- 04:27 PM Revision 9291 (metacat): A new class is used to get the version of service for a given node.
- 04:57 PM Revision 9290 (metacat): Only support the application/bagit format in the getPackage method.
- 04:56 PM Revision 9289 (metacat): Change the format id to be "application/bagit" in the getPackage method.
- 05:23 PM Revision 9287 (metacat): In the replicate method, it will use the v1.getReplica method if the source node only supports v1 replication service.
- 03:11 PM Revision 9286 (metacat): Increased the serial version number before updating the system metadata.
- 02:34 PM Revision 9285 (metacat): Fixed a bug to increase the serial version
- 02:34 PM Revision 9284 (metacat): The code was added to compare the serial version in the updateSystemMetadata method. If the serial version in the new system metadata is less than or equals previous version, an exception will be thrown.
- 01:57 PM Revision 9283 (metacat): Increase the version number after updating the existing object's system metadata in the update method.
- 12:04 PM Revision 9282 (metacat): Increased the serial version during the test.
- 11:05 AM Revision 9281 (metacat): Increase serial version during the test of updateSystemMetadata method.
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