



From 05/23/2016 to 06/21/2016


05:23 PM Bug #7038 (Closed): Current version of solr schema file isn't copied to the /var/metacat/solr-home/conf during the upgrade process
when upgrading from 2.5.1 to 2.7.0, I see new fields starting with:
<!-- member node service fields -->
ben leinfelder
04:33 PM Bug #7038: Current version of solr schema file isn't copied to the /var/metacat/solr-home/conf during the upgrade process
The code was committed to both Metacat svn trunk and 2.7 branch. Need Ben to test it. Jing Tao
04:32 PM Bug #7038 (In Progress): Current version of solr schema file isn't copied to the /var/metacat/solr-home/conf during the upgrade process
Jing Tao
01:19 PM Bug #7038 (Closed): Current version of solr schema file isn't copied to the /var/metacat/solr-home/conf during the upgrade process
I found there was an error when Metacat indexed a gmd document. It turned out that the newest version of the schema f... Jing Tao


12:39 PM Bug #7034 (Closed): Metacat always shows the https protocol on the dataone base url even it is configured without supporting ssl
The change was committed to both the trunk and branch 2.7. Jing Tao
12:38 PM Bug #7034 (Closed): Metacat always shows the https protocol on the dataone base url even it is configured without supporting ssl
Please see details on:
Jing Tao


11:32 AM Bug #7033 (Resolved): Add external link to FGDC stylesheet
See ben leinfelder
11:31 AM Bug #7032 (Resolved): Add ONEDCX stylesheet for D1 view service
see ben leinfelder

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