


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
5868 01/31/2011 11:56 AM ben leinfelder

remove "Bypass" action

5847 01/26/2011 04:11 PM ben leinfelder

rework geoserver configuration:
-geoserver context is set to 'geoserver' by default, but can be reconfigured
-data directory is set in the geoserver web.xml file (we have a template, set the value accordingly, then overwrite the deployed version in the geoserver webapp)...

5031 08/24/2009 02:37 PM daigle

Change location of PropertyService to properties directory

5028 08/14/2009 05:38 PM daigle

Persist skin properties across installations

5027 08/14/2009 02:26 PM daigle

Change MetaCatVersion to MetacatVersion

5016 08/06/2009 10:59 AM daigle

Fix references to db classes that were moved and refactoring missed.

5015 08/04/2009 02:32 PM daigle

Create database and shared directories for database management code and shared code respectively.

5010 07/30/2009 01:26 PM daigle

Populate admin login user dropdown with configured admins

5004 07/30/2009 10:19 AM daigle

Use context url instead of server IP. Server IP breaks if the server does not have an externally facing IP (behind a proxy server)

4759 01/16/2009 01:42 PM daigle

Go back to main context page when user cancels login.

4753 01/14/2009 04:06 PM daigle

validate only required fields.

4752 01/14/2009 04:06 PM daigle

add the ability to validate that only required fields are populated.

4718 12/26/2008 04:31 PM daigle

change metacatconfigure.html to metacat-configure.html

4714 12/26/2008 01:25 PM daigle

Add backup configuration page

4697 12/26/2008 01:05 PM daigle

Removed extra %> that showed up on page

4608 11/21/2008 10:32 AM daigle

Remove application.default-style from the global configuration screen and activate it in the skins configuration.

4605 11/20/2008 04:54 PM walbridge

Update tomcat location to /etc/init.d version used in user installation instructions

4585 11/19/2008 03:10 PM daigle

Remove organization from login screen. Require fully qualified user name.

4584 11/19/2008 03:09 PM daigle

change generic authentication properties from ldap.* to auth.*

4583 11/19/2008 03:09 PM daigle

rename ldap-configuration.jsp to auth-configuration.jsp

4573 11/18/2008 02:18 PM daigle

Updated geoserver password help links

4564 11/17/2008 11:10 AM daigle

Rename geoserverconfigure.html to geoserver-manual-configure.html

4560 11/13/2008 03:19 PM daigle

moved footer section outside of if statement so it always shows up.

4557 11/12/2008 10:33 AM daigle

Added header and footer sections that allow admin to log in as different user and to see user documentation.

4544 11/10/2008 03:14 PM daigle

Use validation for form submiTtal. This validates that all fields are populated.

4480 10/22/2008 02:44 PM daigle

Change geoserver configure message to be reconfigure when geoserver is in bypass mode

4406 09/29/2008 11:08 AM daigle

Add support email to configuration error messages

4402 09/29/2008 09:57 AM daigle

Show selected value in dropdown field

4321 08/26/2008 03:31 PM daigle

Fix bug where skin configs don't read backup properties correctly for checkboxes.

4294 08/22/2008 04:20 PM daigle

adjust hiding section format

4293 08/22/2008 04:19 PM daigle

reference admin.js

4292 08/22/2008 04:19 PM daigle

fix formatting by adding div closing tag

4279 08/20/2008 04:27 PM daigle

Clean up some configuration form formatting

4258 08/18/2008 11:05 AM daigle

Replace tables with css

4204 08/04/2008 05:20 PM daigle

Initial addition of geoserver password configuration page

4199 08/04/2008 05:07 PM daigle

Move closing divs into jsp if statement

4198 08/04/2008 05:06 PM daigle

Add geoserver section. Remove organization section for now. Allow user to go directly to metacat after first configuration.

4197 08/04/2008 05:04 PM daigle

Add a cancel button

4180 07/30/2008 10:14 AM daigle

remove help icon from organization names. Change metaCatProperty reference to orgProperty.

4176 07/29/2008 10:31 AM daigle

Fix question mark help links

4163 07/25/2008 12:57 PM daigle

Change the metacat section to read Metacat Global Properties

4159 07/24/2008 01:52 PM daigle

Add support for separate LDAP and organization level configurations

4157 07/24/2008 01:51 PM daigle

Add description under form fields

4156 07/24/2008 01:50 PM daigle

remove <p> formatting

4153 07/22/2008 02:19 PM daigle

Populate password (hidden) on configuration form

4115 07/11/2008 01:41 PM daigle

Clean up the way default radio works

4100 07/11/2008 10:00 AM daigle

Clean up formatting on configuration pages

4089 07/07/2008 03:36 PM daigle

Align submit buttons

4088 07/07/2008 03:01 PM daigle

change request attribute name from metaCatVersion to metacatVersion

4082 07/07/2008 01:43 PM daigle

Reformat Checkbox

4080 07/06/2008 09:25 PM daigle

Merge 1.9 changes into Head