remove metacarta map layer -- their WMS service is no longer responding.
comment our the Demis world map layer -- it was prompting for username/password to use the WMS
turn off the databounds layer by default
remove JPL NASA layer - no longer operational
remove sanparks boundaries from the default map, but allow them to be added as an additional layer from the saeon/sanparks skin.use css to style the spatial query search widget control
include title for the spatial query control widget (on hover)
add custom Pan/Zoom/Query control.
use the demis layer as default
include name attribute for location selection widget
break the map generation into parts for easier re-use/customization in other skins
include standard list of named locations - zoom map to that location when selected
invoke spatial search when bounding box is drawn or click on map
geoserver upgrade:-remove embedded geoserver -include geotools api and update spatial harvesting-include simple template for using maps in skin (openlayers now, not mapbuilder)