comment out the "forgot password?" link so that we can use the reset page in different UI locations.
remove unused JS that was only throwing an error when loaded via ajax
include optional email.overrideURL property for the account management page to send an email link that will result in a styled response.
remove the NCEAS-specific admin db connection properties from the metadata config so they do not show up in the metacatui configuration.
include link to show the captcha - ensures we have all the divs loaded when the script runs to generate the code.
use AJAX method of including the captcha.
Fixed a typo.
use correct id for the lookupAccount link - used in metacatui view.
Edit some of the instructions for registering an account.
add lookupname link to the login form.
Remove the words relative to knb.
Add a link for forgot password in the loginForm.Remove the words with specific knb.
Add a template to handle the success of looking up the username.
Add a tempalte for users to look up the forgotten username.
redirect to the configured metacatui context (ui.context in file). this in conjunction with choosing "metacatui" as the default skin in the metacat admin interface will redirect requests to the metacat context (e.g., /knb) to the ui context (e.g., /metacatui).
Add information about the activation email.
Add a new template to handle the success of the email verification.
Add a new template to handle the failure during the email verification.
replace the hard-coded organization list.
Add a new property to control showing the organization list.
Remove the sentence which saied the failure reason is the uid has been used.
Display the recaptcha on the register stage.
Add the recaptcha protection.
[merge from branch] use #view and #share links for new metacatui deployment.
revert NCEAS skin to use traditional pathquery.
remove all metacatui references to external resources (from git or github). xsl now only returns html structure, no header/footer or css candy.
add change password option
how many go into 12?
include id attributes for the account management links
all registry actions are being pulled in via ajax and do not need headers/footers in the template material.
use text-error class for error messages
use h3 tags for the headers rather than embedded tr/td classes
do not include metacatui headers and footers.
download arrow on right side
remove "Package" from the default button, only use it when we have an ORE map id.
give the div that holds the download package button an id attribute so that we can dynamically change the content in there if/when we know the ORE map id instead of the EML id.
do not use #none for the accordian control in method section
when 'printall' we should show the attribute coverage and method information, not a link to it
when 'printall' we should show the enumeratedDomain of a measurement.
use 'printall' option for the EML display - metacatui will scroll and navigate through all the metadata and has tabified the entity/attribute info.
use glyph download icon, not a /knb/style/images path to an image (ugh!)
move Login header to container, not the fluid span.
handle <references> element in <creator> for the citation.
use #view/{pid} pattern for the citation link, and then /object/{pid} for the XML download -- so no old Metacat API calls show in the rendered EML.
remove the actual href
enable listening to the "register another package" link
soften the failure page ("Whoops!")
remove note about reloading the guide page -- it ain't a page anymore!
switch where Registry Guide modal header is defined
convert all ? links to launch the modal window
use larger modal
add space to modal header to preserve vertical format
clean up guide header
clean up the modal guide - finally working. except for the section #anchors
move the modal div out of the containing sections to display properly
static loading of the guide
why cna't I load the guide?
does order matter?
grasping now
ad role="button" attribute
remove data-remote
use data-remote=true to load contents from url
rely on bootstrap to trigger the modal box
make remote=true for the modal dialog
more modal work...
try modal help window to load the guide section
remove the footer that (i swear) was hiding
do not load login.js since requirejs will do it for us
prep for ajax/metacatui use of login form
use hidden field for the dataWrong parameter
settle on yes/no confirm buttons
use RegistryView listeners for the form submission process
use consistent article id="RegistryXXX" patterns for css.
remove header/footer from registry response for ajax inclusion.
use event listening in the RegistryView to submit the form.
submit form via ajax
remove the header and footer so the registry form can be loaded via ajax into an existing dom.
remove all table/tr/td/ use. clean up the data distribution area.
include $pid parameter and views/package endpoints instead of metacat API urls. Note that some links still exist for rendering portions of the EML (additionalMetadata and attribute details).
use <article id="Metadata"/> for the rendered EML and FGDC sections to make client-side consumption easier/more generic.
first pass at FGDC reformatting for metacatui look and feel.
do not squash on eml-physical.xsl definition of the template match="citation" by using a named template for fgdc.
type the doctype="metadata" objects as "FGDC-STD-001-1998" formatId for rendering XSLT and for DataONE SystemMetadata.
copy fgdc xsl from common - start metacatui reformatting
remove unused resources from metacatui skin
move harvest registration page to the default skin, not the KNB skin. update docs to indicate such. (based on comments by D. Blankman)
use <p> for thesaurus above the table of keywords
use "controls" class on Web Address
render keywords + thesaurus in a table structure
use <strong> for title rendering.
remove more ":" after labels
remove all table/tr/ cruft that is not used in main layout.
reformat attribute enumerated domain.
use "UTF-8" instead of encoding="iso-8859-1"
use "controls" class for common name element value
do not use ":" after labels.
remove all table/tr/td use
clean up detail tables for measurement type/scale/codes sections
render attributeList with side-bar navigation tabs for each attribute.