Remove redundant moderator properties, which should instead be controlled per-skin
Replace usage of 'cgi-url' with 'cgi-prefix' in XSLT transformations, fix the ESA review process to accept the 'metacatUrl' parameter (#3687)
Remove application.default-style from the global configuration screen and activate it in the skins configuration.
Update tomcat location to /etc/init.d version used in user installation instructions
Fixed spelling of Metacat
Remove organization from login screen. Require fully qualified user name.
change generic authentication properties from ldap.* to auth.*
rename ldap-configuration.jsp to auth-configuration.jsp
move to
Updated geoserver password help links
Rename geoserverconfigure.html to geoserver-manual-configure.html
added "generic" search term picklist
moved footer section outside of if statement so it always shows up.
Added header and footer sections that allow admin to log in as different user and to see user documentation.
declare questionIds array for each document
Add EML 2.0.x to EML 2.1.0 conversion XSLT. Originial location is Mopho CVS /xsl/, can be pulled from externals once migrated to SVN.
Use default skin for dev
Use validation for form submiTtal. This validates that all fields are populated.
Add isRequired field
add comment to deleteFile
add "Assessment Database" to the header bannerremove "II" from the banner
call it FIRST without the numerals
call it the "Data Cart" instead of just the "Cart"
add institution logos to footer
use solid green for chalkboard borders
Fixed the "What's this?" links to use a class, improved styling on NCEAS skin to prevent strange underlining
Removed outmoded ldapweb.cfg
Add eml 2.0.1 document return type
pull out the IE/FF differences into common method that returns the document object for an iFrame (works with IE now!)
try IE work around for iframe access
update the status of search items WRT the cart when adding/removing from within the search results view (when you add an assessment, the icon changes to the "remove" icon)
swap out new add/remove cart icons, ensure left and right chalkboard borders continue all the way down the page with the content
make metadata field selections only from within the cart
add page header
logout redirects to the login page (just needed to use _top)
redesign the look and feel - save point.-cart editing is done by clicking individual assessments rather than doing them in batches.-cart status is shown in the search results (but still need a refresh for after adding cart items from search...)
Change geoserver configure message to be reconfigure when geoserver is in bypass mode
Redirects to the index.jsp page.
Redicts to the index.jsp page.
Redicts to the page index.jsp.
Redicts to index.jsp page.
redicts to index.jsp
add support for displaying eml 2.1 documents.split the "common" templates into nceas-common.xsl, but needed different stylesheets for 2.1.0 vs 2.0.1see:
add support for displaying eml 2.1 documents.see:
add support for displaying eml 2.1 documents
Added test properties
Added useFullSchemaValidation flag to toggle schema validation.
Add date to log output. Shorten Metacat to MC
improve clarity of the available cart actions by:-hiding/showing the logical options for a given screen (only allowed to remove when viewing the cart)-refresh when cart changes - more positive feedback that pushing buttons actually did something.
make "add to cart" more obvious (with icon, too!)
Add support email to configuration error messages
Show selected value in dropdown field
add login feature for first. integrates with existing metacat-skin-based login approach.only show cart for authenticated users.
add logout not search for cart documents if the cart is empty.
minor fix
Change unaffliated to match the LDAP name
add spinner for long searches
highlight the cart contents on reload
use regular hyperlink to viewing question (item) details - nested form elements were causing grief after being included with ajax calls.
refresh the entire cart view when modifications are made.add icons to many of the control features (download, remove...)
show selected metadata fields in the cart view and allow them to be removed from said view
added Scriptaculous effects to many of the ajax calls.neat-o!
can now select and save metadata fields from a document and use them when merging across documents in the "cart"
use full width of the screen
add "cart" information (won't work for others until i commit the backing classes in meetacat servlet...but need to track the changes for this now).
[optionally] view assessment details from within results set
parameterize the div used for ajax results
Enable upload as default on NCEAS skin
correct targets for links in iframe
Change references of baseUrl to contextUrl, fix parsing error in confirmData which was throwing errors due to invalid keyword counts
Add SpecNet .properties file for registry usage
Added required options for setting default public on documents, special flag for ESA documents
Add application.tempDir to configuration form and documentation.
rearrange pages, search features, etc...
search within specific fields - with option for matching any vs. all
search method for retrieving specific documents (matching docid)
added place holders for structured search fields
Fix workgroup description
Further improvements to the registry to properly support the new properties. Removed all variables previously passed around between forms which should always be available canonically from the file and replaced with refences to properties value for the skin being used. Removed some cruft from both files, fixed mior issues mentioned in bug #3487.
Add jstl jar files for sbclter skin
Remove backed up resultset.xsl files
Include global session variables
Remove ant tokens
Replace Ant tokens
Added top level files for sbclter skin
Change pisco test user organization to PISCO
Add functionality to write and read metadata documents to and from the file system.
remove skin.configs directory.migrate those properties to the style/skins/* properties filesdo not load them during Metacat init.