hide the "transpose" checkbox except when on the data cart page
use name attributes for selection entity-attributes.note: this is still a static version of which question-level metadata is being included in the resultset
only "correct" non-null values
allow both text nodes and cdata nodes to provide content for document data package values (FIRST)
include qPrompt and qChoiceneed to quote the csv so that commas in the question text do not throw it off
Now the metadata attributes show as rows above the data.very close!todo: special handling for thesaurus (ie NBII/Bloom) metadata fields
pivot constrained to a List of specific attributes: studentId (record number), score, response.This is the "lower half" of the return set (data).now: on to the metadata header rows
Update version to 1.9.1. Add nrs ldap properties to configuration.
Now doing the dataquery/download in the FIRST skin's jsp rather than embedded in the Metacat servlet.TODO: implement the very-custom data return format agreed upon by the FIRST team
add LDAP base to NRS skin properties
add UCNRS LDAP properties
Add date to log output
include pivot options for dataquery
Somehow log4j.properties is missing from head. Restoring it.
Introduce replication user. Use the fileutil writer methods instead of writing directly.
new datamanager feature!Pivot a result set (rows to columns).Handles simplest case: -single id column (observation)-single pivot column (pivot)
add date to log output
Use only one eml common stylesheet directory for all post 2.0.0 beta versions of eml. Point all eml versions to that directory in skin xml files.
Increase database.maximumConnections from 25 to 200
include NSF grant number
found more method that should be plural
removed duplicate variable settings
fixed path for sibling access
1. changed path for doc-level access to sibling instead of child2. renamed template "datasetaccess" to datatableaccess and changed path to distribution/access
updated templates to reflect new spelling of dateTime and methods in attributes.
Added eml 2.1.0 stylesheets for sbclter.
Create an eml 2.1.0 shared directory. Move skin specific xsl directives into sbclter directory: sbclter-eml-2.0.0.xsl and sbclter-eml-2.1.0.xsl
Removed the () from the javascript length functions in the submitRequest function.
Format indexPaths in metacat.properties. Remove from build.properties and build.xml. Move indexPath list getter from MetacatUtil to SystemUtil.
Update replication documentation and fix code so that replication log is available.
remove semicolon at the end of xml.useFullSchemaValidation property.
Prepend the web application name to the log message.
use "prompt" xpath that matches current QTI serialization
Allow for backup properties to be written to context based subdirectory of the external configuration directory. This allow multiple instances of metacat to be run side by side.
handle case when there is a single question on the assessment
correct spelling of "Assessment"
Update xml paths for 2.1.0 access structure. Added the 2.1.0 path for indexing. Changed from 2.0 to 2.1.0 for querying.
Remove moderators from esa skin configuration. This is currently handled via global configuration in metacat.properties
change "blah blah" to something more respectable
Add admin email to the esa skin configuration
Make esa admin user and password configurable
fix javascript image references with contextUrl
Add the context url as a parameter to insertLoginBox() in branding_extensions.js.
Get the organization list from org.name.<orgname>= property. Add these values back into metacat.properties.
Changed spatial and taxonomic display option to true.
Go back to main context page when user cancels login.
Kill more pesky ant tokens, replace URL references with fully qualified URL as this page is rendered into emails.
confirmData template changes for dealing with modified otherEntity data
fix ESA contextURL reference
validate only required fields.
add the ability to validate that only required fields are populated.
Add sections for the unaffiliated user configuration and add required field to appropriate fields
Add back the auth.base variable to metacat.properties. Use this variable when creating ldap distinguished name.
add security constraint sections to disallow access to *.cfg and *.properties files.
change metacatconfigure.html to metacat-configure.html
Add backup configuration page
Renamed MetaCatUtil to MetacatUtil
Removed extra %> that showed up on page
Added backup directory properties
add skin properties files so that first can be enabled as the default when configuring metacat in the admin interface.note: not checking in the modifcation to metacat.properties file - that will remain a deployment-specific change and not included in the standard distribution
handle mixture of datapackages: some with demographic data, some without.takes advantage of the [new] StaticSelectionItem feature in the datamanager
readding DM library (again!)
why does SVN hate me?
include demographic data if present in the datapackageTODO: handle a mixture of datapackages when performing the union (i.e. cases when one package as demographic data and the other does not)http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3519
assessment title and type are now elements rather than attributes in edmlhttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3345
revert changes - keep the options commented out.the fix is in the utilities project.
Moved Search and Browse functions into the search frame.
uncommented these <config> elements so that Metacat actually starts without error.TODO: find out why they were in there commented out, and also make sure we can start metacat even if a skin has some junkie metadata files in it.
add lter, ltss and saeon skins configurations.
Add kepler to available skins
added moderators back to metacat.properties
Add release info property to provide a brief description of the release (release candidate info mostly)
Fix indexing
Include moderators option in esa skin configuration, add anchor link within the properties document.
Remove redundant moderator properties, which should instead be controlled per-skin
Replace usage of 'cgi-url' with 'cgi-prefix' in XSLT transformations, fix the ESA review process to accept the 'metacatUrl' parameter (#3687)
Remove application.default-style from the global configuration screen and activate it in the skins configuration.
Update tomcat location to /etc/init.d version used in user installation instructions
Fixed spelling of Metacat
Remove organization from login screen. Require fully qualified user name.
change generic authentication properties from ldap.* to auth.*
rename ldap-configuration.jsp to auth-configuration.jsp
move ldap.properties.metadata.xml to auth.properties.metadata.xml
Updated geoserver password help links
Rename geoserverconfigure.html to geoserver-manual-configure.html
added "generic" search term picklisthttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3520
moved footer section outside of if statement so it always shows up.
Added header and footer sections that allow admin to log in as different user and to see user documentation.
declare questionIds array for each documenthttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3620
Add EML 2.0.x to EML 2.1.0 conversion XSLT. Originial location is Mopho CVS /xsl/, can be pulled from externals once migrated to SVN.
Use default skin for dev
Use validation for form submiTtal. This validates that all fields are populated.
Add isRequired field
add comment to deleteFile
add "Assessment Database" to the header bannerremove "II" from the banner
call it FIRST without the numerals
call it the "Data Cart" instead of just the "Cart"
add institution logos to footer