comment out the "in XXX data catalog system"
use saxon for xpath 2.0 functions since xalan only does 1.0
handle i18n translation elements that are included in eml 2.1.1
include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query search, mostly)
add support for EML 2.1.1
do not use replace() XPath function - it is 2.0 (not in Xalan)
increase height of the iframe classes to accommodate content
catch error when jQuery is not included in the page, but do nothing
include loadStats() method in branding.js to be reused more widely (with qformat parameter)
move jquery and jquery plugins from semtools to common directory - reuse in default skin
add download count for data entities (online distribution)
use simple mode - just read events tallied
make call to load stats when displaying the data package information
include stats for annotation and data package
include jquery and loadStats() method (in search.js)
use contextURL parameter
add stats to semtools
add stylesheet for rendering simple stats for access log
added the root registry node response
changed d1 url to knb/d1/....
Make resultset more data package centric
select the tree node when exact match is found
check for exact class match when typing into search term - if there is one, then select it as the chosen term
always open the top level node of the tree when it loads
do not show visual indication of "focused" tree - it looks random because it mostly is (at least when refeshing it with the current active domain - the calls are all asynchronous so we don't ever really know which one will be created last and therefore gain the focus)
load search results when page first loads (browsing - no query constraints)
remove special ">>" character from style sheetuse absolute path to the spinner animated gif
new client jar
fixed date problem
include busy spinner when loading search results
using div tags for the search results now (with some tables too)
commit before trying div-only resultset
hide/show search result details for each matched row.
-use a tab for search options-search results are in their own container now-jquery ui and semtools css share same corner radius-removed form-based "link" in resultset xsl
new values for updated schemas
got getChecksum working. working on delete now. all tests in d1clienttest now pass
use jquery UI tabs to separate the Measurement criteria from E,C,P
-"Clear" button actually clears the form and refreshes the search results w/o constraints-active domain check boxes are honored when refreshing active domain after selection is made in a different tree
"remember" selected/opened nodes when active domain is filtered on click. also using separate cookies for each tree so that it can remember it's state on page reload.
refresh the other trees with active domain when selection is made.TODO: remember last selected node in the tree and open the tree to that node
asynchronously load search results after each tree selection event
add checkbox for active domain pruning on each tree.
prune the search tree - keep parents and children of matched nodes
set the selected concept as the value in the search field
remove bioportal search fields
include scroll bars for the jsTrees
no more aqua for search results
add search box for finding an entry in the tree
changes for new d1 schemas
include jsTree for navigating the ontology hierarchy when making class selections for the search
new common with exception that should have been in delete
removing old libs
switching to new client library
adding common jar to metacat
adding getChecksum method
comment out debugging alert
use SERVLET_URL not fred
use jQuery to build active domain selections
starting to filter by active domains. still request-based, but would like to make asynchronous calls when populating the fields.
fixing files I didn't mean to check in
fixed a couple bugs with dates and fixed a major bug where metacat was reading the entire document from the database everytime a DocumentImpl instance was created even though it didn't need to
updating system metadata query doc type
removed old api jar
new service api jar
new config changes
allow default style to be used for the registry (added login mapping)
look up the active annotation classes
Bug 3835 - design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem
Improve handling of 'eml:eml/dataset/publisher' element to 'dc:publisher' element crosswalk.
browse/search/madlib hybrid sample
use newer SBC-ish style for the default skin
include css classes for skins (like default and semtools) that use the "subGroup" class
correctly set the map location based on organizationScope
correctly set the organizationScope from the request value - filters the search results by location
not sure why this did not come up earlier when I stared upgrading some of the jar dependencies, but I've been having problems deploying Metacat because of a xerces error. upgrading to 2.7.1 fixed it - thinking the xml-apis and xerces jars need to be somewhat in lockstep with each other.
use <p> consistently when providing a tooltip for the full class URI
number of changes:-list measurements across the screen under their observation-use title attributes for full ontology class URI, only show full URI for the entity class since there is horizontal room-make the annotation box more compact and intuitive for both screens (details and search results)
make DP title bold in result set
nest annotation groupings nicely for each obs/meas
include nesting borders
integrate Annotation in resultset better
place annotation information in the same cell as the data package title/id
include content in a wrapper div for margins
comment out debugging alert()
do not make hyperlinks extra bold
reduce white space
include some gray in the paragraphs
use "Myriad..." fonts, then cascade down to Arial, sans... Lifted from BioPortal L+F
only show that an annotation exists in the resultset, not the full details
make the header hyperlinks bold
reduce header font sizes
wrap content in div for marginsadd bottom margin on header
include clearer font [size]add leaf at right
new jar file
use light grey for backgroundsdark grey for links
don't use green for links
include new graphic header for semtools skin.adjust css to fit better
only surround main dataset with border to avoid a weird border artifact when displaying sub-groups of the eml package
include header/footer like in the old JS-based template