use ContentTypeInputStream interface (and ByteArray implementation) to specify the desired content-type of the InputStream returned by MN.query().
use java 1.6 compliance for compilation
Remove the code to throw an exception if the subjects is null in the query method.
changed the xpath to get solr_spec_version.
Add the getIndexFields and getValidIndexFields methods.
Add getSolrSpecVersion method for the HttpServer and the controller.
Imeplement the getSolrVersion, getSchemaField and getValidSchemaFields for the EmbeddedSolrServer.
move SolrQueryResponseTransformer and SolrQueryReponseWriterFactory to the query package.
Move it to the query package.
move it to the query package.
Remove the query(String query) methods from
Remove the depency on the d1_cn_index_processor.
Use one query method in the SolrQueryServiceController.
Move the solr query part here since metacat-index needs to query the solr server too.
Use the sepcified exceptions to replace the Exception.
Add a transformer to process the query response object.
Add a new class to create the solr QueryResponseWriter.
exclude jibx-tools, maven cruft and org.eclipse "dependencies" to cut down on the number of jar files in the lib folder.
format before editing
Add some java doc.
Fixed a bug the collection name was not set.
Add getCollectionName method.
Remove the bin directory.
Add a new module for sharing the between the metacat and metacat-index.