Using reader to replace string to read inline data.
Change the way to handle inline data.
When character size is greater than 4000, it will write to db.
Change string to stringreader to save memory.
Change debug level.
Change the year from YY to YYYY
Revise inital value for insert a new server. Change some debug level.
Revise initial value for server registry.
Fixed a bug in registryDataFile.
Delete a debug line.
Change the date format from yy-mm-dd to mm/dd/yy.
Change format from yy-mm-dd to mm/dd/yy.
Get rid of to_date function.
using toDate method rather than to_date function directly.
Revise the toDate method for sql server.
Get rid of toDate method and inherit from AbstractAdapter directly.
Get rid of toDate method. It inherentise from AbstractAdaptor.
Add a concrete method toDate which can transfer text string to date type.
Add new method to handle toDate function.
Fix somebugs for the script.
MetaCat Servlet changed to get correct docid
Update script for sql: change a unique constraint in xml_relation table. Adding new fields in xml_replication and xml_access table. Adding new talbe xml_accesssubtree.
EML interface Login Servlet
Metacat EMl Upload Interface
got interservlet session handling working.
Register stmml.xsd too.
Registered stmml.xsd too.
fixed errors with jing and my merges
changes to make session management between monarch and metacat work.
Revise code and make it more generic to pass parameters to style sheet.
Revise the code for read from metcat.
Add the code to handle parameter for style sheet.
web.xml assocated with metacat push harvester
servlet for metacat push harvest
web page for initiating metacat push harvest
upload class for metacat harvester
Field data will be normalized.
Add code to hanlder wirte and update funtion.
Create a foreign key for table accesssubtree.
Add a foreign key in xml_accesssbutree table.
Add a foreign key in xml_accesssubtree table.
Add a foreign key in accesssubtree table.
Add code to write relation table.
Add some debug message.
Add a foreign key constrain in xml_accesssubtree table.
add code to make sure subject, relationship and object is not null.
Add delete access subtree in delete method.
Get the file size limit from property rather than hard code.
Don't write online data id into db.
Fixed bug to find catalog id for eml2 document.
Add the code to drop the unique constrain (subject, relationship, object) and add(docid, subject, relationship, object)
Revise code to decide use which parser.
Fixed a bug to checking error.
It is as same as version 7.1.
Add a new revise file for postgresql which version is more than 7.2
Revise getURLContent method and give up httpclient.
Change a unique constraint in xml_relation table.
Change a unique constrain in xml_relation table.
Change a unique key of relation table.
Add code to get rid of white space in url.
Using httpclient as http and https protocol handler.
Add a new method to replace whtie space by %20 in url string.
Change a debug statement.
sql for registrying dtd and schema into xml_catalog directory.
Change the code to get docid.
Add debugMessage.
This class will write triple to db.
Move the code that writes triple to db to DBSAXHandler class.
Add code to parse triple.
Change some comment and add code to drop xml_accesssubtree table.
Combine files to modify access table and add new accesssubtree table.
Delete this file and move code to reviseformetacat13.sql
Delete the file and move code to reviseformetacat13.sql
Add a method to write error message into log file.
Revise code to handle text node be splitted into two nodes.
Revise update method. Every write action will check out a db connection. So it can handle a huge mount of write action.
Change a method from private to public and it can be shared by other class.
Revise code to handle text node were splited into two nodes.
Using triple rather than query to get relation.
Don't apply access rule for online data file.
Add relation handler and access handler here.
Get rid of access and relationa runner from run() method.
Fixed error in sql command.
A script to register eml into xml_catalog.
Delete this file, because it's code moved to another file reviseformetacat13.sql.
Delete this file, because it's code move to reviseformetcat13.sql
Combine the script whcih modify existing table for metacat 1.3
Add code to handle access rule for online data.
Add code to handle eml2 replciation.
Add code to handle initialize eml2 parser.
Change writereplication method to non-static.
Add some debugMessage.
Change some debug level
Add some new method to get docid from online url.
Add contenttypeprovider when read a data file.
Fixed a bug which cause null exception.
Change eml2namespace variable from private to public.
Add code to handle eml2 contentype.