Add two indexes to improve delete and upgrade performance.
Add two indexes to improve deleting and update speed.
Add two indexes to improve peformance of deleting and update
Grant the public read access to the data files, if it was done for the metadata file. Also cleaned-up some debug statements.
Find out if the document is a Member of an EML package, and if that's not the case, than skip the test to see if access is set through EML metadata.
use "within" rather than "intersects" as the spatial search criteria for dataset location.(see bugzilla #2972)
Fixed 3 bugs:1) If there is a call to this class without an "action" (i.e. the initial time the login form is loaded) a null pointer exception would be thrown.2) If the user logged out, and then tried to query, the server would send an error (invalidated session)...
Created method "private void download(ClientView bean, HttpServletResponse response)", along with several other additions to support downloading.Includes functionality for FGDC-related package downloads (zip file) and individual data file downloads, with original filenames.
Created new XPath constants for FGDC queries.
Created method "synchronized public InputStream sendParameters(Properties args) throws Exception".Sends a request to Metacat. An alternative to the sentData method. Allows for sending multiple parameters with the same name, different names, or any combo.
refactored <access> and <allow> element creation. Added logic to give both owner and skin admin privilages to access uploaded data objects.
Cleaned up regexes used in register-dataset.cgi to support arbitrary numbers of elements for keywords. Cleaned up regexes for state selection, to omit default values. Added debug as a GET parameter, so a page can be debugged by appending `&debug=1'. Committed latest changes to file processing, to allow files to be deleted after returning to the entry page from confirmation or processing errors. Seperated out entryForm.js from entryForm.tmpl to simplify debugging.
Add debug information.
Add a new method - query which can specify qformat.
Add new query method which can specify qformat.
Modified the "clientDeleteRequest" method to handle meta-file deletes.
Clear the bean's "action" property after most operations are complete, in case user refreshes the browser (it won't repeat). Modified "delete" code, and "handleFileUpdate" method. Added new methods: getStringFromInputStream and makeRedirectUrl.
Added property "metaFileDocId", and constant "UPDATE_MESSAGE", to accomodate update and delete operations.
Fixed a bug the search title in morpho will return everything.
Added submission of data files to the registry. New parameter 'hasUpload' can be set on a per-skin basis to enable the uploading of data objects to be associated with a metadata document. NCEAS skin is using this by default, to be changed in the future for other skins....
Added upload method. Modified sendData to respect form encodings and POST files.
Refactored upload code to allow arbitrary POST parameter ordering, and open the door to multiple files in one HTTP request. Two new methods to MetaCatUtil to facilitate the file processing: writeTempFile and copyFile.
Add new index to speed deleting.
Create index to speed deleting.
Create a new index to speed deleting
Add a new index in xml_nodes in order to speed delete.
Modifications to the removeDataDocIdFromFGDC method, to use the metadata Doc Id rather than the data file Doc Id, to locate the FGDC node branch to update.
Modifications to the clientRequest method to handle calls for 'Delete' actions.
Fixed bug that if user choose to many documents in spatial query, the result set will be 0.
Getting project list from nceas admin db.
fixed bug that input form coudn't be shown.
Uncommented metacat client upload commands.
Changes for java 1.4 compilation, and further development.
Further development.
Add code to handle the docid list is too long to be run in extended query.
Changes to make java 1.4 compliant.
Updated handlePackageUpload (in development).
Added static variables.
Replaced "Formatter" usage (java 1.5) for java 1.4 compiling.
Removed "Formatter" usage, to make java 1.4 compatible.
Removed "generics" to make java 1.4 compatible.
Change String.contains which only java 1.5 have to String.indexOf
Change a handleReturnField to public which will be used in ecogrid.
Add return doctype and return field into the key of query cache.
Backing out change, certain cases cause the file to upload as 0 bytes, which pass all tests but leave us with no data. Will re-commit after 1.8 release and more complete testing.
Fixed bug that searching for parameters.
Updated com.oreilly.servlet (cos.jar) from 19Jun2001 to current 05Nov2002 version. Fixed uploading in to allow parameters after file object, was disabled for a workaround in the previous library.
Change path data type to text in table xml_index.
Change the path data type to text
Add a try-catch to handle if a query result is too long.
Removed a code to check if there is a docid in a vector since every docid should exist once.
Add new index into xml_index table.
A script to add index into xml_index table.
Add index into xml_index table
fixed a bug in metacat that was preventing it from using non-TLS authentication. ldap was throwing a namingException which was causing the exception handling to go to the wrong block so non-tls auth never even got tried. this shoudl hopefully fix the problem with sanparks
Add code to expire cached query result when metacat have a insert, update or delete action.
Add a cache mechanism for public user.
Add a result set cache
Fix a bug that move node from xml_nodes to xml_nodes_revisions.
Change a method to private
Change data type of columns to TEXT
script to change data type of some columns to TEXT
Remove offset in findResultDoclist
Add a delay time for initial indexing
Use or to replace union
Add code to handle none-same value query term.
Initial checkin. The "Client View FGDC Helper", to provide FGDC specific methods for client views. This is an API class for the clientview package.
Initial checkin. The "Client View HTML Helper", to provide HTML specific methods for client views. This is an API class for the clientview package.
Initial checkin. The "Client View Bean Helper", to provide a controller for ClientView bean users. This is the main API class for the clientview package.
Initial checkin. The "Client View Bean Info", to complete the JavaBean architecture for the ClientView bean. This class can be used in java component building tools.
Initial checkin. The "Client View Bean", to provide the "model" in the MVC architecture. This JavaBean is used in client view JSP documents (the "Views")and the ClientViewHelper class (the "Controller").
Refactored almost all of the JSP API methods and fields to a new package (edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview).
Revised the access query part.
Remove the subtree constrain in access query
Add new variable indicate if this query term in a union group.
Remove an method
Change some log.
Merge the getting return fields for both elements and attributes.
Get rid of back tracing part
Fixed bug: successfully removes related sub Doc ID's from metadata.New functionality:1) Updates field in FGDC metadata Doc ID with new version of Doc ID, and2) Recurses sub-documents for deletion, when deleting an FGDC metadata Doc ID (deletes entire package).
Add debug in query method.
Several newly developed methods providing a JSP API into metacat. Most of the new methods were developed to support FGDC metadata.Some of the other new methods merely provide convenience to the JSP code. New methods include:nextVersion, getFGDCdistinfo, addDistInfoToFGDC, vectorToHtmlSelect, mapToHtmlSelect, htmlInput, getSessValue, setSessValue, query, getSelectQueryMap,...
A sql to increase column size of queryresult_string in xml_queryresult table.
Fixed bug that docid has no seperator in email.
Remove the rule that the access allow rule should equals three.
Modified method "doMetadataUpload". Improved file type parsing. Also changed call to "upload", to send Integer.MAX_VALUE as the file size,since file size is not available until read (i.e. "Content-Length", which is available, isn't the same as the individual file sizes)....
Change a log level. Sometime it confuses people.
Metacat JSP API Additions. The new methods currently only handle inserts of new metadata files and related data files. It also handles instance creation and login support, witha few convenience methodes intended to be called by a JSP file.Update and delete support will be added. Also, the new methods currently only handle FGDC metadata files. More XML grammars will be added.
Add more statement to output performance info in a file in delimitere format
Add statement to output search time to a delimitered file
Add a new method to output delimited debug info.
Add formated output for time measurement.
Add new method to record the total search time to a file.
Add new method to write debug info to a given file.
Change the debug level for some statement
Fixed bug that search "soil" will cause an exception.
paging now works in a more normal manner. also fixed a bug where the last page would display too many results.
Change the debug level for timing
Recovered some overwitten code.