Revise the query for access control return field.
Revise the sql for access control for return fields.
Add code to handle access control for return fields.
Fixed a bug that the column in sql is ambiguous.
Fixed a bug which cause infinite loop.
Add nodes access control for print extended query.
Add access control for return fields.
In search query, add subtreeid is null this condition to make sure is for top level documents.
Add a access control query for return fields.
Add access control for return fields in the subtree.
Just now made a wrong sumbit and revise it.
Add access query for control the return fields.
Using the contant in documentImpl rather using itself.
Fixed bug the no matter the xml is base on schema or dtd, the output will add a line for doctype. This will cause eml document invalidate.
Fixed a bug the for comment in xml documents. It cause a Unterminated quoted string problem in psql.
Add code to handle read part of tree. Now the subtree access control for reading works.
Xerces 2.3.0 have a problem(maybe bug) to handle set external schemalocation property. I already report this problem to xerces-dev. Change it back to 2.2.1
fixed bug with copying images in the build file
Updata xerces to 2.30
Fixed a bug that access control couldn't write into db.
Add the code to handle subtree access control.
Change the calling method.
Add the code to handle subtree control for reading(but finished yet).
Does not setting namepaces-prefix feature true for sax parser. If set it true, namespace will be treat as both namespace and attribute.
Adding more constant strings.
Chane a info for output.
Change some hard code to constant string.
Change the code to handle permission checking.
Move the permission checking part.
Add a file to handle permission checking.
Get rid of the permission code to handle ticket count and duration.
Add code to delete the previous permission when update.
Now, eml parser can support pulling out access control for document level and subtree level.
Modify postgres access table.
modify access table.
Script for postgres to modify access table.
Srcipt file to modify xml_access.(adding 3 new fields - subtreeid, start node id and end node id)
Add code to handle subtree.
Every call to write into xml_nodes will return current node id.
Add a varible to keep track node id and every call for write to xml_nodes will return a node id.
A new class to store info about sub tree.
Add code to handle additional access data and reference.
Add the code to handle text nodes were splitted to couples.
Add the code the handle text node was splitted
After finishing parsing a access rule and accessSection, assign them to a new object.
Set a condition to for setting eml2 parser.
Access control for documents level works.
Set up an eml parser.
Implement clone method.
Implement to handle document level access control.
Change a varible from private to protected.
Fixed error.
Add copy object method.
Add some constants
A new class to reprent a eml access module.
A new class represents access rules, include principles, permissions.
A new sax parser will handle eml2 (not finished yet)
Add a new contant string access.
Add code to call SchemaLocationResolver.
Change schemalocationkeywords constant from private to public and it can be reused.
Change the debugMessage method. Only debug is true and debug level is higher, the statement can be print out.
Add two varibles: schemaPath and schemaURL.
Change checkURLConnection to public static. It can be rused.
New class to handle ingore user specification for schema location, upload new schemalocation to metacat and register namespace and schema location in xml_catalog table.
Set mutiple external schema locations for parser.
If insert a schema xml, the doctype will be root element name space.
Code to handle text node was splited.
Add code to handle text node was splited.
Change package query.
Add code to handle text code was splited.
Add schema validation parameter here.
Make the paser knew namespace and schema validation.
New class to wrap documentimple.
Delete the file to clean up access table.
Delete the file to clean access table.
Delete the file which will clean up access table.
Using xercesImpl 2.2.1 to replace the xercesImple which shipped with xalan
Change some output for inser documents.
Change xerces.jar to xercesImpl.jar
xml-api.jar shipped from xalan 2.4.1
New version xalan of 2.4.1
New xerces jar file shipped with xalan 2.4.1 version.
Remove xerces version 1.4.
A interface to set a docid public readable.
Don't insert "acl" as accessfileid for single file. It will be null.
Create a action setaccess for assign access rule to single file.
Remove some genric stuff to AccessControlInterface.
Add a variable packagedoctypeset. It has all doctypes in datapackage.
A general interface to handle access control.
A class to handle assign a access rule to a single file.
In the end of dtd, set processingDTD false.
Add some debug info.
In extened query, parentnodeid was added.
If a text node was split into two parts, now it will be combined.
Merge code from branch monarch.
Merge the code for monarch.
Merge the branch for monarch.
Merge the code to handle export single document.
Support returnfields has attributes.
Support return field has attributes.