Fixed some bugs.
Change some setting.
Change select from "title" to "dataset/title".
change return field from "title" to "dataset/title".
Make table cellspacing=0 and fixed some bugs.
Revise templates.
New style sheet to handle additional metadata.
Revise the tempaltes.
Revise some tempaltes.
Revise some templates.
Revise code and make it more generic to pass parameters to style sheet.
Revise the templates.
Add a variable.
Fixed bugs.
Add new templates.
Revised some bugs.
Revised some templates.
Revised the modules.
New module to handle view entity.
New module to handle storedprocedure entity.
New module to handle spatialvector entity.
New module to handle otherEntity.
Add new module to handle spatial raster entity.
Add new module for eml2.
Add reference handler for datset.
Change the setting for sytlepath.
Add entries for eml2.
Adding new format.
Revise the code for read from metcat.
Add the code to handle parameter for style sheet.
Revised the module.
updated xerces and xalan
Finished the module.
Revised the templates.
web.xml assocated with metacat push harvester
servlet for metacat push harvest
web page for initiating metacat push harvest
upload class for metacat harvester
Revise some code.
Add some new tempaltes.
Revise the entity module.
Add new module to handle data table.
Revised some templates
Revise some templats.
Changed the url content.
Add templates in this module.
Fixed a bug for variable.
Add some variables.
Add new variables.
Revise the project module from beta6
Add a template to handle project part.
Revise variables.
Change the import module
Change the import modules.
Add some templates in it.
Fixed some bug.
Change the even column color.
Add some import file.
Field data will be normalized.
Add code to hanlder wirte and update funtion.
Write the readme for 1.3.0
Revise some instruction
Create a foreign key for table accesssubtree.
Add a foreign key in xml_accesssbutree table.
Add a foreign key in xml_accesssubtree table.
Add a foreign key in accesssubtree table.
Add code to write relation table.
Add some debug message.
Add a foreign key constrain in xml_accesssubtree table.
add code to make sure subject, relationship and object is not null.
Add delete access subtree in delete method.
Get the file size limit from property rather than hard code.
Add a variable for data file size limit.
Don't write online data id into db.
Fixed bug to find catalog id for eml2 document.
Get rid of http client and still using sun protocol handler. Because it can repicate 817 M big data file(which is bigger than local mem and swap)
Add new target getdtdschema and get rid of htttpclient.
Add the code to drop the unique constrain (subject, relationship, object) and add(docid, subject, relationship, object)
Revise code to decide use which parser.
Fixed a bug to checking error.
It is as same as version 7.1.
Add a new revise file for postgresql which version is more than 7.2
Revise getURLContent method and give up httpclient.
Change a unique constraint in xml_relation table.
Change a unique constrain in xml_relation table.
Change a unique key of relation table.
Add httpclient.jar into cpath.
Add http client jar.