change generic authentication properties from ldap.* to auth.*
Added this class to be able to test multiple authentication strategies
Remove organization from login screen. Require fully qualified user name.
rename ldap-configuration.jsp to auth-configuration.jsp
move to
Add incrementRevision function to replace duplicated code
CODE FORMATTING ONLY: Fix all the inconsistencies I found within the script to follow the standards used within 80% of the code: No tabs, 'if (eval) {' operator spacing, four spaces indentation, replace exit(0) with exit().
Add lsid server to metacat binary distribution.
Add instructions for installing and updating the lsid service.
change some info and warn statements to debug
Updated geoserver password help links
added replication.logdir description
Updated existing installation instructions to be more inline with binary install instructions.
fixed DatabaseConfigOverview spelling
added lsid apache/ubuntu confguration file (for sites-available)
moved to bin/install dir
Supporting images for configuration utility documentation.
Describe individual configuration utility sections
Rename geoserverconfigure.html to geoserver-manual-configure.html
Fix PostgreSQL spelling
added "generic" search term picklist
When checking oracle metadata, table names must be in upper case. For postgres, it's however the table was created.
moved footer section outside of if statement so it always shows up.
ldap config screen shot
Add instructions for configuring metacat ldap.
Added header and footer sections that allow admin to log in as different user and to see user documentation.
Added quick install/update sections to metacat installation instructions.
declare questionIds array for each document
add start of otherEntity processing for registry edits
Editing documents should check for ACL elements under //access now instead of //dataset/access
Transform EML 2.0.x documents to 2.1.0 which are found when editing with the registry, using an XSLT transformation.
Add EML 2.0.x to EML 2.1.0 conversion XSLT. Originial location is Mopho CVS /xsl/, can be pulled from externals once migrated to SVN.
Remove property. All test driver files are now included in build.
remove property. All test driver files are now included in build.
Trim property values
Added validation that configured ldap admins actually exist in ldap
Add some generic typing
Use default skin for dev
Use validation for form submiTtal. This validates that all fields are populated.
Add isRequired field
Add emphasis to the fact that ldap admin account(s) must exist in configuration and in metacat.
Remove EML2 beta6 document conversion support, the files required for conversion have been deprecated from Metacat.
add comment to deleteFile
install-ecogrid is required for the distbinaddresses bug #3618
add "Assessment Database" to the header bannerremove "II" from the banner
call it FIRST without the numerals
call it the "Data Cart" instead of just the "Cart"
add institution logos to footer
use solid green for chalkboard borders
Fixed the "What's this?" links to use a class, improved styling on NCEAS skin to prevent strange underlining
adjusted location of common.css file
moved this from one directory up because the user docs install in the top level metacat directory on knb web
updated links in document list
renamed to testing-metacat.html
Added new development documentation files.
Had to move the common.css file into the users directory since that directory is deployed at the top level of the knb web server metacat docs.
Fix typo
Added reference to common stylesheet at ../common/common.css
moved some common elements into ../common/common.css
Documentation on how to run JUnit test against metacat
Index page for development documentation.
Factor out common elements between dev and user docs.
Update STMML to the newest version as per EML 2.1.0
Dump copy of EML document being uploaded when debug mode is enabled.
Removed outmoded ldapweb.cfg
Partial fix for #3496, making the registry create EML 2.1.0 documents. The documents are internally valid 2.1.0 (they run against the validator correctly) but aren't inserting into Metacat correctly as of yet.
Change the encoding method of reponse of getPrincipal from ASCII to iso-8859-1.
fix peer.utilites.required variable. Fix directory.
add getpeerutilities to utilities target
add a getpeerutilities target to check out utilities if it does not exist.
Pulled common eml creation and metacat client methods into the MCTestCase base class. Eventually, all test cases should use these common methods.
Change the db query to only pull public allowed documents when creating the sitemap file.
Insert documents with different permissions and make sure only the publically readable ones get pulled into the sitemap file.
Change getAccessBlock from private to protected so it can override the MCTestCase version
Stripped out common eml document creation elements and put into the MCTestCase base class
Add more detail to documentation
Added user documentation for sitemap registration.
Add eml 2.0.1 document return type
Add debug statements at the beginning of every test module.
Change info log messages to be debug.
Remove the code to read and write metadata to disk. It is getting put into DocumentImpl
fixed spelling of onlineURLDistributionListWithoutId variable
Move the code to write metadata to disk into documentImpl
Clean up comments and remove extra includes
use RELEASE_EML_2_0_1_UPDATE_7 tag for EML style sheet change.
Add check for null access control list
Update replication documentation
pull out the IE/FF differences into common method that returns the document object for an iFrame (works with IE now!)
try IE work around for iframe access
update the status of search items WRT the cart when adding/removing from within the search results view (when you add an assessment, the icon changes to the "remove" icon)
swap out new add/remove cart icons, ensure left and right chalkboard borders continue all the way down the page with the content
make metadata field selections only from within the cart
add page header
logout redirects to the login page (just needed to use _top)