Add the release note of 2.8.6
Exclude an IT test from the test target.
Comment out some fine debug level for dataone package.
When it serialize the NotFound exception, it will use info debug level and not print out the stack trace.
Don't print out the stack trace for a not found exception.
Downgrade the debug level from error to warn for a not found exception.
Use the recaptcha v2 version.
Use the recaptcha v2 code.
Change the version of metacatui to 1.14.14.
In the mn/cn.listObject method, if the toDate or fromDate have an incorrect format, it will throw an exception.
Add the pangaea file to be imported.
Add the context file for pangaea.
added a new format id for pangaea.
Add the sql script for upgrading the db version to 2.8.6.
Add the script for upgrading 2.8.6
Add the schema for pangaea.
Exclude an it test.
Add an IT test.
Synchornized the refresh method to make it thread safe.
Add the pid information into the error log.
Downgraded a debug level in order to make cn synchronization log more readable.
Add the code to handle null pointer better in the get method.
Add the warn level to d1_java_client classes.
Don't set archive false in the system metadata when a resource map is obsoleted.
Exclude the solrj jar file from d1_cn_index_processor. This jar file has the api change. This is a temporary change in order to make Metacat compilable.
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