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Revision 3336

Added by Jing Tao over 17 years ago

Change data type of columns to TEXT

View differences:

57 57
58 58
	nodename VARCHAR(250),	-- the name of an element or attribute
59 59
        nodeprefix VARCHAR(50), -- the namespace prefix of the node
	nodedata VARCHAR(4000), -- the data for this node (e.g.,
	nodedata TEXT, -- the data for this node (e.g.,
61 61
				-- for TEXT it is the content)
62 62
	parentnodeid INT8,	-- index of the parent of this node
63 63
	rootnodeid INT8,	-- index of the root node of this tree
90 90
                                -- ELEMENT, ATTRIBUTE, TEXT)
91 91
        nodename VARCHAR(250),  -- the name of an element or attribute
92 92
        nodeprefix VARCHAR(50), -- the namespace prefix of the node
        nodedata VARCHAR(4000), -- the data for this node (e.g.,
        nodedata TEXT, -- the data for this node (e.g.,
94 94
                                -- for TEXT it is the content)
95 95
        parentnodeid INT8,      -- index of the parent of this node
96 96
        rootnodeid INT8,        -- index of the root node of this tree
313 313
  queryresult_id INT8 default nextval('xml_queryresult_id_seq'), -- id for this entry
314 314
  returnfield_id       INT8,          -- id for the returnfield corresponding to this entry
315 315
  docid                VARCHAR(250),  -- docid of the document
  queryresult_string   VARCHAR(4000), -- resultant text generated for this docid and given
  queryresult_string   TEXT, -- resultant text generated for this docid and given
317 317
  				       -- returnfield
318 318
  CONSTRAINT xml_queryresult_pk PRIMARY KEY (queryresult_id),
319 319
  CONSTRAINT xml_queryresult_searchid_fk
346 346
    nodeid INT8  default nextval('xml_path_index_id_seq'),
347 347
        docid VARCHAR(250),     -- the document id
348 348
        path VARCHAR(1000),     -- precomputed path through tree
        nodedata VARCHAR(4000), -- the data for this node (e.g.,
        nodedata TEXT, -- the data for this node (e.g.,
350 350
                                -- for TEXT it is the content)
351 351
        nodedatanumerical FLOAT8, -- the data for this node if
352 352
                                  -- if it is a number

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