Metacat Configuration
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Table of Contents
Metacat Configuration
Configuration Rules
LDAP Configuration
LDAP Overview
Getting to the LDAP Configuration
Changing LDAP Configuration Without Authentication
Admin Log In
Admin Log In
Logging In
Main Configuration Page
Main Configuration Overview
Global Properties Configuration
Global Properties Overview
Property Auto-Detection
Global Property Backup
Skins Configuration
Skins Overview
Choosing a Default Skin
Configuring Online Registry
Database Configuration
Database Configuration Overview
New Database Installation
Database Upgrade
Geoserver Configuration
Geoserver Password Update
Geoserver Manual Update
Complete the Metacat Configuration
Metacat Configuration

As of version 1.9.0, Metacat configuration is done internally by the application. When Metacat (Tomcat) is started, it will check to see if it is configured. If not, you will be automatically sent to the configuration pages.

If the installation is new, or the previous version is before 1.9.0, you will need to pay close attention to the configuration values. If you have upgraded Metacat, and the previous version is 1.9.0 or later, Metacat will pull existing values from a backup location. You should still verify that the values are correct.

Get to Metacat on your server by entering into the browser:


Where <your_context_url> is the url where Metacat will be served followed by the name of the war file(application context) that you installed. For instance, the KNB production Metacat url is:

You can always go to the configuration screen from within Metacat by typing:

Configuration Rules

The system will follow these rules in order to determine the order that the configuration will occur:

See the following sections for descriptions of how each of these work. For more information on each field, click on the blue question mark icon to the right.

LDAP Configuration
LDAP Overview

Metacat uses LDAP as it's primary authentication mechanism. The three main values needed are LDAP URL, LDAP Secure URL and Metacat Administrators. You need to verify that the the LDAP URL and LDAP Secure URL are correct (fig 1). You need to make sure that your LDAP user account is entered into the MetaCat Administrators field. You will not be allowed to continue with configuration if this is missing.

fig 1
Getting to the LDAP Configuration

You will automatically be sent to the LDAP Configuration page if this is a new installation or upgrade.

You can also get to the LDAP configuration from a running Metacat by typing:


You will be required to log in as an administrator and restart Metacat once you make changes.

Changing LDAP Configuration Without Authentication

There is one exception to the log in rule. That is when you need to change or add LDAP information, but you can't authenticate using the existing setup. For example:

In this case, you will need to edit the Metacat configuration file by hand and make the changes. This insures that only a person who has access to the Metacat server and the configuration files on that server will be able to change the administrator accounts

Stop Tomcat and edit the Metacat properties file at:


where <webapp_dir> is the place that Tomcat looks for applications and <context_dir> is the name of the Metacat application (usually knb). Change the following properties appropriately:

Save the file and start Tomcat.

Admin Log In
Admin Log In Overview

Once LDAP has been configured, you will be required to login as an administrative user if you haven't already. You will be taken to the administrator login screen (fig 2). You can also get to the login screen by choosing the "log in as different user" link at the bottom of any configuration screen.

fig 2
Logging In

You need to log in with an account that was configured as an administrative user in the LDAP configuration section. If you did not set up the correct user there, you will need to go through the Changing LDAP Configuration Without Authentication instructions to set up the user.

Enter your user name. This is the uid part of the ldap identifier that you entered in LDAP configuration. Select your organization, enter your password and hit enter. You should successfully log in.

Main Configuration Page
Main Configuration Overview

The main configuration screen acts as a gateway into individual configuration sections (fig 3). You should see that the LDAP is already configured.

Each section is listed with a status to the left which can be one of:

To the right of each section is an option which can be one of:

All sections must be in a configured or bypassed state in order to run Metacat.

fig 3
Global Properties Configuration
Global Properties Overview

Metacat global properties are the bulk of the core properties needed to run Metacat (fig 4). For detailed instructions on setting these properties, refer to the blue question mark icon to the right of each property. Be sure that each of these are set appropriately.

fig 4
Property Auto-Detection

The first time you install Metacat, the system will attempt to auto-detect some values. These are:

You should be extra careful that these were detected correctly.

Global Property Backup

When you save global properties, they are saved in a backup file that is located in the following directory:


When you update Metacat, the system will look for these backed up properties so you won't have to re-enter all the information from previous installs.

Skins Configuration
Skins Overview

Metacat allows for a customized look and feel for the Metacat front end and for the online data registry services. There are two major functions provided by the skins configuration. The first is to choose which skin will be the default. The second will be to configure the look and feel of the online data registry pages. For more information on the online data registry option, refer to the Metacat Registry Installation documentation.

Note that if you are not using the online registry, and you don't have a custom skin, you can just save the default skins configuration and move on to the next configuration section.

Choosing a Default Skin

There are several skins available to choose from in Metacat (fig 5). If you have a skin that has been developed specifically for your instance of Metacat, you should select the checkbox next to that skin. When you do, the form will open up with several options for that skin (fig 6). choose the 'Make "skin_name" default" radio selection. You should see "(default)" appear next to that skin name. Save the configuration and that skin will be the one that appears when users visit your Metacat site. Note that if you do not have a custom skin, you should leave your skin as the "default" skin.

fig 5
Configuring Online Registry

The online registry code provides a web interface for entering data into Metacat. The screens are somewhat configurable as far as which fields show up and which are required. You should select each for which you want to activate the registry and then select the appropriate fields for that skin.

fig 6
Database Configuration
Database Configuration Overview

Metacat will detect the schema version of your database, and upgrade it if necessary. Once the global Metacat properties have been configured, the Database Installation/Upgrade link will become active on the main Metacat configuration page (see fig 3).

New Database Installation

If this is a installation of Metacat, the database install/upgrade utility will inform you of this (fig 7). It will list the sql scripts that will get run in order to create a database schema for the version of Metacat that you are installing. If there is any question as to whether the database is new, you should choose to cancel. When you choose to continue, the server will run the scripts you saw earlier.

fig 7
Database Upgrade

If this is an upgrade of Metacat, the database install/upgrade utility will inform you of the current version of the database (fig 7). It will list the sql scripts that will get run in order to update the database schema to the upgraded version of Metacat. If there is any question as to whether the detected database schema version is correct, you should choose to cancel. When you choose to continue, the server will run the scripts you saw earlier.

fig 8
Geoserver Configuration
Geoserver Configuration Overview

Metacat comes bundled with a Web Mapping Service called Geoserver which converts spatial data into web-deliverable map images. For more information, see the Metacat Spatial Option documentation. Geoserver installs with a default admin username and password. You should change these so that only local administrators can make changes to Geoserver.

Geoserver Password Update

When you choose the Geoserver Configuration link on the main configuratio page, you will go to a page that will prompt you for a user name and password (fig 9). When you enter a user name and password, the metacat server will contact the embedded Geoserver server and change the login credentails.

You also have the option of choosing "bypass". This will leave Geoserver configured with the default user name and password. The main configuration screen will show the bypassed status. The system will interpret the bypassed status the same as the configured status.

fig 9
Geoserver Manual Update

You also have the option of changeing the Geoserver username and password by logging in directly to the Geoserver. For more information on changing the credentials directly, refer to the Geoserver Password Change documentation. Note that once you change the credentails manually, you will not be able to use the Metacat admin tool to change it again (until a new Metacat Upgrade or installation).

Complete the Metacat Configuration
At this point, all the sections of the main configuration should be in a configured or bypassed state (fig 10). If you are configuring because of a Metacat install or upgrade, you will have the option to click on the "go to metacat" link and you should get taken directly to the running version of Metacat. Note that this may take some time depending on the amount of data in your database, since Metacat goes through an indexing process at start-up time.

If you are reconfiguring an already running version of Metacat, you will not have the option to go directly back to Metacat. You will need to restart the server (Tomcat).

fig 10