Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008

Class WpsDescribeProcess


class WpsDescribeProcess
extends ModelBase

Defined in WpsDescribeProcess.js

Author: Mike Adair

Field Summary
 Object namespace
Fields inherited from class ModelBase
async, contentType, modelNode, id, title, debug, url, method, namespace, template, nodeSelectXpath, config, parentModel
Fields inherited from class Listener
listeners, values
Constructor Summary
WpsDescribeProcess (modelNode, parent)
            Stores a Web Processing service (WPS) Capabilities document as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (
Method Summary
 Object getFeatureNode(featureName)
           Returns the featureType node with the specified name from the list of nodes selected by the nodeSelectXpath from the capabilities doc.
 Object getMethod()
           Get HTTP method used to retreive this model
 Object getServerUrl(requestName, method, feature)
           Returns the serverUrl for the WFS request passed in with the specified HTTP method from the capabilities doc.
 Object getVersion()
           Returns the version for the wps
Methods inherited from class ModelBase
getProperty, getXpathValue, setXpathValue, loadModelDoc, setModel, finishLoading, newRequest, deleteTemplates, saveModel, createObject, loadObjects, parseConfig, refresh, init, clearModel
Methods inherited from class Listener
addListener, addFirstListener, removeListener, callListeners, setParam, getParam

Field Detail


Object namespace

Constructor Detail


WpsDescribeProcess(modelNode, parent)

Method Detail


Object getFeatureNode(featureName)


Object getMethod()


Object getServerUrl(requestName, method, feature)


Object getVersion()

Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Sun Apr 27 20:30:54 2008