Revision 5311
Added by daigle almost 15 years ago
metacat-eclipse-project.html | ||
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Run metacat on eclipse |
34 |
<p> The following are the steps to download Eclipse, load the Metacat project and |
35 |
it's dependent projects, set up the environment, and run Metacat via Tomcat from |
36 |
within Eclipse.</p> |
37 |
38 |
<p> One note, these instructions are based on my development system, which is a Linux |
39 |
system. I rarely use |
40 |
apt-get install (debian) or yum install (fedora) to install supporting applications |
41 |
like Java, Tomcat and Apache. This is because I want a certain level of control |
42 |
over where these apps are installed, and I like to be able to install several |
43 |
versions side by side so I can switch back and forth in my development environment.</p> |
44 |
45 |
<p> My typical approach is to install the application in the /usr directory. Then I |
46 |
create a symlink from /usr/local to this install. Any environment variables reference |
47 |
this symlink, so I can easily modify the symlink to change the version of the |
48 |
application.</p> |
49 |
50 |
<p><div class="header3">Install Java (assuming it's not already installed):</div> |
51 |
<ul> |
52 |
<li>go to <a target="_blank" href="">Java Download Site</a>.</li> |
53 |
<li>download the Java SE Development Kit for your platform (I use the regular .bin file, not the |
54 |
rpm.bin).</li> |
55 |
<li>make the java usr directory: <code>sudo mkdir /usr/java</code></li> |
56 |
<li>move the jdk .bin file you downloaded into the java user dir: |
57 |
<code>sudo mv jdk-6u19-linux-i586.bin /usr/java</code></li> |
58 |
<li>make bin file executable: <code>sudo chmod +x jdk-6u19-linux-i586.bin</code></li> |
59 |
<li>run the bin file: <code>sudo ./jdk-6u19-linux-i586.bin</code></li> |
60 |
<li>create java symlink in /usr/local: <code>ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.6.19/ /usr/local/java</code> |
61 |
<li>add the following lines to /etc/profile (again, this is my preference):<br> |
62 |
<code> JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java</code><br> |
63 |
<code> PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH</code><br> |
64 |
<code> export PATH JAVA_HOME</code> |
65 |
</li> |
66 |
</ul> |
67 |
68 |
<p><div class="header3">Install Tomcat (assuming it's not already installed):</div> |
69 |
<ul> |
70 |
<li>go to <a target="_blank" href="">Tomcat Download Site</a>.</li> |
71 |
<li>download the binary core tar.gz file.</li> |
72 |
<li>make the tomcat usr directory: <code>sudo mkdir /usr/tomcat</code></li> |
73 |
<li>move the tar.gz file you downloaded into the tomcat user dir: |
74 |
<code>sudo mv apache-tomcat-6.0.26.tar.gz /usr/tomcat</code></li> |
75 |
<li>expand tar.gz: <code>sudo tar -xvzf apache-tomcat-6.0.26.tar.gz</code></li> |
76 |
<li>create tomcat symlink in /usr/local: <code>ln -s /usr/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.26/ /usr/local/tomcat</code> |
77 |
<li>add the following lines to /etc/profile (again, this is my preference):<br> |
78 |
<code> TOMCAT_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat</code><br> |
79 |
<code> PATH=$TOMCAT_HOME/bin:$PATH</code><br> |
80 |
<code> export PATH TOMCAT_HOME</code> |
81 |
</li> |
82 |
</ul> |
83 |
</p> |
84 |
85 |
<p><div class="header3">Download and Install Eclipse:</div> |
86 |
<ul> |
87 |
<li>go to <a target="_blank" href="">Eclipse Download Site</a>.</li> |
88 |
<li>choose Eclipse IDE for Java Developers</li> |
89 |
<li>make the eclipse usr directory: <code>sudo mkdir /usr/eclipse</code></li> |
90 |
<li>move the tar.gz file you downloaded into the eclipse user dir: |
91 |
<code>sudo mv eclipse-java-galileo-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz /usr/eclipse</code></li> |
92 |
<li>extract tar.gz: |
93 |
<code>sudo tar -xvzf eclipse-java-galileo-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz</code></li> |
94 |
<li>note that Eclipse extracts into a folder named eclipse. I like to rename this |
95 |
folder using the SR number or current date, in case I want to put another version of |
96 |
eclipse next to it. So: <br> <code>mv /usr/eclipse/eclipse /usr/eclipse/eclipse-galileo-SR2</code></li> |
97 |
<li>create eclipse symlink in /usr/local: <code>ln -s /usr/eclipse/eclipse-galileo-SR2 /usr/local/eclipse</code> |
98 |
<li>add the following lines to /etc/profile (again, this is my preference):<br> |
99 |
<code> ECLIPSE_HOME=/usr/local/eclipse</code><br> |
100 |
<code> PATH=$ECLIPSE_HOME:$PATH</code><br> |
101 |
<code> export PATH ECLIPSE_HOME</code> |
102 |
</li> |
103 |
<li>I create a desktop launcher for Eclipse. The command should just be <code>eclipse</code>. |
104 |
If that doesn't work, you may need to log out and log in to pick up changes in |
105 |
<code>/etc/profile</code>. You can associate the launcher with the eclipse icon |
106 |
at <code>/usr/local/eclipse/icon.xpm</code></li> |
107 |
</ul> |
108 |
</p> |
35 | 109 |
36 |
37 |
Download eclipse ganymede: |
38 |
go to |
39 |
choose Eclipse IDE for Java Developers |
40 |
extract tar.gz to /Applications/eclipse |
41 |
42 |
Get svn plugin: |
43 |
in eclipse, go to Help/Software Updates |
44 |
add the following update site: |
110 |
<p><div class="header3">Get Subversion plugin:</div> |
111 |
<p>The subversion plugin allows you to checkout and manage your code against |
112 |
an SVN repository</p> |
113 |
<ul> |
114 |
<li>in eclipse, go to Help/Install New Software</li> |
115 |
<li>add the following update site: <code></code> |
45 | 116 |
Note this may change for newer versions. |
46 |
Check at for newer versions |
47 |
Choose to install all the packages under that site |
117 |
Check <a target="_blank" href="">Subclipse Site</a> for newer versions</li> |
118 |
<li>Choose to install all the packages under that site</li> |
119 |
<li>After restarting Eclipse, you should see an SVN Repository Exploring |
120 |
perspective available.</li> |
121 |
</ul> |
122 |
</p> |
48 | 123 |
49 |
Check out metacat code: |
50 |
in eclipse go to the svn repository view |
51 |
click in window under svn repositories and chosse "add svn repository" |
52 |
add |
53 |
add |
54 |
add |
55 |
for each, open tree and right click on trunk |
56 |
choose "checkout from svn" |
57 |
check out as a project using the wizard |
58 |
choose java project |
59 |
create a new project in workspace. |
60 |
Note, if you want to check out a certain branch or tag, browse to that tag in the tree and follow the same steps as above. |
124 |
<p><div class="header3">Check out metacat code:</div> |
125 |
<ul> |
126 |
<li>In eclipse go to the SVN Repository Exploring perspecitve</li> |
127 |
<li>Click in window under svn repositories and chosse "New > Repostory Location ..."</li> |
128 |
<li>Add <code></code></li> |
129 |
<li>Add <code> </code></li> |
130 |
<li>If you are actively working on ecogrid, add <code></code></li> |
131 |
<li>For each repository, open its tree and right click on trunk </li> |
132 |
<li>Choose "checkout..."</li> |
133 |
<li>Check out as a project using the wizard</li> |
134 |
<li>Choose java project</li> |
135 |
<li>Name the project in workspace. One thing to keep in mind is that the build |
136 |
process relies on the Metacat code being in a directory named "metacat". If you will |
137 |
absolutely only have one metacat project, you can name it "metacat". Otherwise, I usually |
138 |
name the project something meaningfull, like "METACAT_TRUNK" or "METACAT_1_9_1_RC2". Then |
139 |
I create a "metacat" simlink at the same level that points to the checkout that I |
140 |
actually want to build.</li> |
141 |
<li>Note, if you want to check out a certain branch or tag, browse to that tag in the tree and follow the same steps as above.</li> |
142 |
</ul> |
143 |
</p> |
61 | 144 |
62 |
Set met |
145 |
<p><div class="header3">Set up Metacat Dependencies</div> |
146 |
<p>These dependencies are primarily so you can eliminate reference errors in |
147 |
the code and so you can debug when running in tomcat.</p> |
148 |
<ul> |
149 |
<li>In the Java perspective, hilight the utilities project you checked out.</li> |
150 |
<ul> |
151 |
<li>In the menu, go to Project > Properties > Java Build Path</li> |
152 |
<li>Choose the libraries tab and Add Jars...</li> |
153 |
<li>Select all the jar files in the utilities/lib directory</li> |
154 |
<li>Switch to the Source tab and remove utilities/src</li> |
155 |
<li>Add folder utilties/src/java</li> |
156 |
</ul> |
157 |
<li>In the Java perspective, hilight the metacat project you checked out.</li> |
158 |
<ul> |
159 |
<li>In the menu, go to Project > Properties > Java Build Path</li> |
160 |
<li>Choose the libraries tab and Add Jars...</li> |
161 |
<li>Select all the jar files in the metacat/lib directory EXCEPT the |
162 |
utilities.jar if it exists.</li> |
163 |
<li>Select all the jar files in the metacat/lib/lsid_lib directory</li> |
164 |
<li>Select all the jar files in the metacat/lib/spatial/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib directory</li> |
165 |
<li>Choose to Add External Jars and select all the jar files in /usr/local/tomcat/lib</li> |
166 |
<li>Switch to the Projects tab and add the utilities project.</li> |
167 |
</ul> |
168 |
<li>These settings should remove all but the most persistant error markers in |
169 |
the code.</li> |
170 |
</ul> |
171 |
</p> |
172 |
173 |
<p><div class="header3">Build Metacat</div> |
174 |
<p>A full description of how to build Metacat is beyond the scope of this document, however |
175 |
you should be able to do all Ant tasks from within eclipse.</p> |
176 |
<ul> |
177 |
<li>In Eclipse choose Window > Show View > Ant</li> |
178 |
<li>You should see an Ant window pop up on the right.</li> |
179 |
<li>In the Metacat project, select the build.xml file and drag it to |
180 |
the Ant window.</li> |
181 |
<li>All Ant tasks should now be runnable from this window</li> |
182 |
</ul> |
183 |
</p> |
63 | 184 |
64 |
Set up Tomcat: |
65 |
go to and get tomcat 6.0 binary tar.gz and extract |
66 |
(or on ubuntu, do apt-get install tomcat) |
67 |
get tomcat eclipse plugin at: |
68 |
extract zip and move resulting dir into <eclipse_home>/plugins directory |
69 |
restart eclipse |
70 |
In eclipse preferences, go to tomcat |
71 |
Set version to correct value (6 recommended) |
72 |
Set tomcat home to directory where you just installed tomcat |
185 |
<p><div class="header3">Set up Tomcat in Eclipse:</div> |
186 |
<ul> |
187 |
<li>Get tomcat eclipse plugin at: |
188 |
<a target="_blank" href="">Tomcat Plugin Site</a></li> |
189 |
<li>Extract zip: <code>sudo unzip</code></li> |
190 |
<li>move resulting dir into Eclipse plugins directory: <br> |
191 |
<code> sudo mv com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat_3.2.1 /usr/locale/eclipse/plugins</code></li> |
192 |
<li>Restart Eclipse. You should see some Tomcat icons in the toolbar.</li> |
193 |
<li>In Eclipse go to Window > Preferences > Tomcat </li> |
194 |
<li>Set Tomcat version to correct value (6 recommended)</li> |
195 |
<li>Set tomcat home to directory where you just installed tomcat |
196 |
(<code>/usr/local/tomcat</code> if you used my instructions).</li> |
197 |
<li>Under "Advanced", add Metacat and Utilities projects to Tomcat classpath</li> |
198 |
<li>You can now start and stop Tomcat using the Tomcat menu or toolbar items. |
199 |
The application output will show up in the console tab in Eclipse. Note |
200 |
that there is also now a Debug perspective. You can perform the standard |
201 |
debugger actions on your running Metcat instance via this perspective.</li> |
202 |
</ul> |
203 |
</p> |
73 | 204 |
205 |
<p><div class="header3">Advanced Operations:</div><p> |
206 |
<p>There are many more advanced operations that can be performed from within |
207 |
Eclipse, including running individual classes, regular expression searching, |
208 |
jumping to implementation source and more. Please refer to |
209 |
<a target="_blank" href="">Eclipse Documentation</a> |
210 |
for more information.</p> |
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<br> |
77 | 213 |
<a href="./metacat-dev-hardware.html">Back</a> | <a href="./index.html">Home</a> | |
78 | 214 |
<a href="./testing-metacat.html">Next</a> |
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