Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008

Class Locations


class Locations
extends WidgetBaseXSL

Defined in Locations.js

Fields inherited from class WidgetBaseXSL
stylesheet, parseHTMLNodes
Fields inherited from class WidgetBase
model, widgetNode, id, outputNodeId, htmlTagId, autoRefresh, debug
Constructor Summary
Locations (widgetNode, model)
            Widget to display predefined locations (as per schema at lib/model/schemas/locations.xsd) into a HTML select box.
Method Summary
 void setAoi(bbox, targetModel, srsName)
           Change the AOI coordinates from select box choice of prefined locations
Methods inherited from class WidgetBaseXSL
Methods inherited from class WidgetBase
getProperty, getNode, initTargetModel, prePaint, postPaint, clearWidget

Constructor Detail


Locations(widgetNode, model)

Method Detail


void setAoi(bbox, targetModel, srsName)

Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Sun Apr 27 20:30:54 2008