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Revision 7481

remove duplicate cgi-bin part in path to create account

View differences:

259 259
           <strong>Steps for registering an ESA data set</strong>
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           <span class="greenbold">Step 1: Create an Account</span> <br>
           <p> <a href="<%=CGI_URL%>/cgi-bin/ldapweb.cgi?cfg=esa">Create an account</a> by registering with the <a href="">KNB</a>. Many scientists will already have accounts in the KNB, especially those 
           <p> <a href="<%=CGI_URL%>/ldapweb.cgi?cfg=esa">Create an account</a> by registering with the <a href="">KNB</a>. Many scientists will already have accounts in the KNB, especially those 
263 263
from institutions like NCEAS and LTER. If you already have an account please use that existing account rather than creating a new one. </p>
264 264
           <span class="greenbold">Step 2: Login</span><br>
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	   <p><a href="<%=CGI_URL%>/register-dataset.cgi?cfg=esa&stage=loginform">Login to the ESA Registry</a> website with the account you created. Fill out the ESA Data Registry Form.</p>

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