




# Date Author Comment
4976 07/09/2009 11:11 AM daigle

Beef up search. Change pdf report element name.

4975 07/07/2009 10:20 AM daigle

Add upgrade scripts for 1.9.2 (scheduler tables)

4973 07/06/2009 04:55 PM daigle

Handle extracting a docid from a urn (lsid) during a read action

4972 07/06/2009 04:54 PM daigle

Update utilities tag to 1_0_1_RC1

4971 07/06/2009 04:53 PM daigle

Beef up comments

4970 07/01/2009 10:38 AM daigle

kepler workflow execution engine client classes

4969 07/01/2009 10:35 AM daigle

Format file

4968 07/01/2009 10:31 AM daigle

Added so axis call to workflow engine will work (attachments support)

4967 07/01/2009 10:29 AM daigle

Workflow scheduler and archiving fixes for TPC workflow engine

4966 07/01/2009 10:27 AM daigle

Updates primarily for final workflow and run xml metadata design

4965 06/29/2009 02:24 PM ben leinfelder

remove duplicate jar - same version as existing one

4964 06/29/2009 02:20 PM ben leinfelder

axis-ant (1.3) support in metacat

4963 06/29/2009 02:17 PM daigle

moved axis-ant.jar to lsid_lib

4962 06/29/2009 02:10 PM ben leinfelder

axis-ant (1.3) support in metacat (may need additional jars)

4960 06/18/2009 05:48 PM walbridge

force ecogrid to use SVN for checkouts, currently using trunk (but may swap to a tag in the near future)

4959 06/18/2009 10:24 AM daigle

Added generic scheduler and workflow scheduling functionality.

4958 06/18/2009 10:21 AM daigle

Add svn ant jars and revert quartz jar back to 1.5.2 for compatibility issues.

4953 06/12/2009 04:55 PM daigle

Added tpc workflow search and browse capabilities

4952 06/12/2009 04:47 PM daigle

Add scheduler and workflow schedule functionality

4951 06/12/2009 04:41 PM daigle

Add scheduler and workflow schedule functionality

4950 06/12/2009 04:39 PM daigle

Add archival read funtionality (jar/kar/war files)

4949 06/12/2009 04:37 PM daigle

Added tpc workflow search and browse capabilities

4948 06/12/2009 04:36 PM daigle

Added tpc workflow search and browse capabilities

4947 06/12/2009 04:29 PM daigle

add ssl to yum install

4946 05/29/2009 02:13 PM Duane Costa

Bug 3835: Design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem
1. Refactor the 'eml' metadataPrefix into a distinct metadataPrefix value (and corresponding crosswalk class) for each EML version:
eml-2.0.0, eml-2.0.1, eml-2.1.0. (In recent VTC discussion, we decided not to add support for the older 'beta' versions of EML 2.0.0.)...

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