


Ricardo Pereira's activity

From 08/02/2004 to 08/31/2004


10:16 PM Kepler Bug #1666 (Resolved): Create actor(s) for openModeller framework
Need to create actors for openModeller Ecological Niche Modeling framework.
Potential actors to be created:
Ricardo Pereira
10:12 PM Kepler Bug #1665 (Resolved): Review ENM/GARP pipeline so it works with openModeller actor
Replacing the current GARP code in Kepler by openModeller will force
modifications to the current ENM/GARP pipeline...
Ricardo Pereira
10:09 PM Kepler Bug #1664 (Resolved): Configure openModeller Java binding
openModeller Java binding needs to be configured so that openModeller objects
can be used in Java clients. The Java...
Ricardo Pereira

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