


Kevin Ruland's activity

From 12/02/2005 to 12/31/2005


08:57 AM Kepler Bug #2320 (Resolved): Cannot run multiple instances of Kepler simultaneously.
Because of the internal database (hsqldb), one cannot run two instances of
kepler simultaneously. The second instan...
Kevin Ruland


06:50 AM SEEK Bug #2299: migrate Ecogrid client to plain web services
The Ecogrid Put, Query, and Auth clients have been ported to pure web services. Kevin Ruland
06:48 AM Kepler Bug #2300: migrate to new web services-only ecogrid client in Kepler
The ecogrid-axis-branch was merged into trunk on 12/13/05. The following
services have been tested: Quick Search fo...
Kevin Ruland


02:57 PM Kepler Bug #2316 (Resolved): Conflicting jars and classpath reduction
The current collection of jars in the lib/ directory includes many jars which
may not be used, many duplicated jars,...
Kevin Ruland


10:15 AM Kepler Bug #2277: Simplify Kar loading
In Trunk, I have implemented a revised kar build system which does not utilize
the actorList.moml or
Kevin Ruland

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