


debi staggs's activity

From 03/29/2009 to 04/27/2009


04:04 PM Kepler Bug #3934: Report Designer - editable Report Title field
Added split pane and inner report layout panel to the report designer. This allowed us to add a simple header and ti... debi staggs


12:45 PM Kepler Bug #3954: Report Designer - items of interest scrolling
The items of interest panel now scrolls, and the nifty borders have been removed. debi staggs


11:28 AM Kepler Bug #3959 (Resolved): Report Designer - Highlight and select a report item panel
Add the ability to highlight and select a specific report item panel. debi staggs
11:23 AM Kepler Bug #3958 (Resolved): REPORT DESIGNER - Delete report items from the report designer
When report items are dragged from the items of interest list onto the report designer canvas there is currently no w... debi staggs

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