


jianwu jianwu's activity

From 12/05/2010 to 01/03/2011


04:05 PM Kepler Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
the problem in #19 is fixed at version 26554. jianwu jianwu
03:21 PM Kepler Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
Now in Kepler suite, window close will release memory. But it is not the case in Reporting suite. By debugging, I fou... jianwu jianwu
10:09 AM Kepler Bug #5258 (New): kepler start exception when soft links are in KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows
in trunk version 26536, menu item 'File --> Open' can open workflow xml file or kar file and the default directory is... jianwu jianwu


05:02 PM Kepler Bug #5254 (Resolved): provenance database connections keep growing when using Reporting suite.
Every time a window is open, or a workflow is saved, running, a separate db connection is gotten. but they are not re... jianwu jianwu


04:13 PM Kepler Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
in r26444 and r26445, Kepler kar saving is back to open first before closing.
This solution is borrowed from Keple...
jianwu jianwu
10:37 AM Kepler Bug #5095: test kepler and wrp for memory leaks
in r26414, I changed the kar saving steps. It used to open a new window for saved kar before closed the old one. Now ... jianwu jianwu

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