


ben leinfelder's activity

From 09/22/2012 to 10/21/2012


04:40 PM Metacat Bug #5696: pathQuery returns eml docs which have no public access granted
I've reworked how access was being checked -- now we have a simpler clause there and the current revision handling is... ben leinfelder


10:37 AM Metacat Bug #5717: Oracle does not allow table names greater than 30 characters
The DataONE project that depends on these names has also been updated. ben leinfelder


09:31 AM Metacat Bug #5696: pathQuery returns eml docs which have no public access granted
The expensive part seems to be the subqueries of all public-read docs and all public-read-deny docs:
SELECT docid,do...
ben leinfelder
09:20 AM Metacat Bug #5696: pathQuery returns eml docs which have no public access granted
With the join to the xml_documents table, the response is better - but not that great (3 minutes for "tree" keyword s... ben leinfelder
08:11 AM Metacat Bug #5696: pathQuery returns eml docs which have no public access granted
Seems this query can be quite expensive when the DB has a large number of documents. Re-working to remove the max(rev... ben leinfelder


09:50 AM Metacat Bug #5718: SANParks GIS download returns empty files
will be included in the 2.0.5 Metacat release. ben leinfelder
07:29 AM Metacat Bug #5718: SANParks GIS download returns empty files
example of the MetacatClient request that was constructed:
knb 20120925-16:13:58: [DEBUG]: >> "zip=qformat&boundary_k...
ben leinfelder
07:25 AM Metacat Bug #5718 (Resolved): SANParks GIS download returns empty files
The files are intact on the server and can be downloaded manally using the metacat?action=read urls, but the special ... ben leinfelder


02:52 PM Metacat Bug #5717: Oracle does not allow table names greater than 30 characters
The changes for this are in trunk now and targeted for our next release (2.0.5) ben leinfelder

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