Bug #5696
closedpathQuery returns eml docs which have no public access granted
As far as I remember, non-public eml docs did not used to be returned in pathQuery result sets in earlier versions of metacat.
This is with
A pathQuery returns an eml doc which does not have public read access.
Example: knb-lter-sev.389.3
<access authSystem="knb" order="denyFirst" scope="document">
<principal>uid=SEV, o=lter, dc=ecoinformatics, dc=org</principal>
A pathQuery returned this in its result set:
<param name="@packageId">sev.00389.1</param>
<param name="dataset/title">Lightning Strike Data for New Mexico, 1989</param>
This may be related in part to bug #5553 (not sure).
The denyFirst may be part of the problem. The older revisions also had denyFirst.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
I've recreated the scenario on my local Metacat installation -- it appears the permissions for the older revision are still being applied to the newer revision in the search results. I suspect this is related to how the index is purged, or not, as the case seems to indicate.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
Metacat v2.0.4 will include a fix for this issue.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
Seems this query can be quite expensive when the DB has a large number of documents. Re-working to remove the max(rev) condition - hoping that it does not require a massive overhaul of the QuerySpecification->SQL code.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
With the join to the xml_documents table, the response is better - but not that great (3 minutes for "tree" keyword serarch:
MetacatHandler.handleSQuery - squery:
<pathquery version="1.2">
<querytitle>Advanced Search</querytitle>
<querygroup operator="UNION">
<queryterm searchmode="contains" casesensitive="false">
ran in 179648 ms [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.MetacatHandler]
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
The expensive part seems to be the subqueries of all public-read docs and all public-read-deny docs:
SELECT docid,docname,doctype,date_created, date_updated, rev FROM xml_documents WHERE docid IN ((SELECT DISTINCT docid FROM xml_path_index WHERE ((UPPER LIKE TREE AND path LIKE keyword) ))) AND (docid IN (SELECT id.docid from xml_access xa, identifier id, xml_documents xmld WHERE id.guid = xa.guid AND id.docid = xmld.docid AND id.rev = xmld.rev AND ( (lower(principal_name) = 'public') AND perm_type = 'allow' AND permission > 3)) AND docid NOT IN (SELECT id.docid from xml_access xa, identifier id, xml_documents xmld WHERE id.guid = xa.guid AND id.docid = xmld.docid AND id.rev = xmld.rev AND ( (lower(principal_name) = 'public') AND perm_type = 'deny' AND perm_order ='allowFirst' AND permission > 3) ))
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
I've reworked how access was being checked -- now we have a simpler clause there and the current revision handling is done "higher up" in the query -- this saves us a lot of time when we come to the access control clauses.