


Matt Jones's activity

From 03/12/2014 to 04/10/2014


09:56 AM MetacatUI Bug #6493: SVG is not supported in IE8 and earlier
IE8 is still the most used version of IE, although 9, 10, and 11 are rapidly catching up.
Matt Jones


06:31 PM MetacatUI Bug #6477 (Resolved): install of MetacatUI at KNB root causes EML parser to fail
It seems the EML parser web service is no longer parsing XML files properly, and seems to be related to a redirect is... Matt Jones


12:07 AM Kepler Bug #6467: data tab no longer works
Yes, I would. I think that is a good compromise -- keeps the KNB working, and the ecogrid server working. But it sh... Matt Jones


11:28 AM Kepler Bug #6467: data tab no longer works
This is because we just recofigured the KNB site last week to only use https, and all http requests are redirected to... Matt Jones


06:14 PM MetacatUI Bug #6457 (New): safari gives cert error and fails to load UI
Bruce Kendall reported problems loading MetacatUI under Safari 7.0.2 under Mac OS X Mavericks. He writes:
"You mig...
Matt Jones

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