Bug #1212
closedinline data file couldn't be deleted if uploading xml document failed
For handling inline data in eml2 document, Metacat pulls the inline data out and
store it into file system rather than database.
When uploading eml2 document with inline data, if the uploading failed, the stuff
stored in db will be deleted but the inlinedata file couldn't be deleted.
The worse thing is inline data file is written by appending approach, so first
time failed and next time you use same doc id to upload the eml document, the
inline data file will be duplicated.
Updated by Jing Tao almost 21 years ago
This bug is fixed. In EmlSAXHandler class, a vector named inlineFileIDList was
added to keep track which inline files were written to file system. If something
faild in parsing procedure, then the files in the vector will be deleted too.
So inline data couldn't be duplicated.