Bug #1231
closedmorpho skips columns during metadata entry of data file.
I just tried enterring some metadata for a file and found that morpho would not
let me enter metadata for certain columns. It would skip over those columns and
refuse to display information about them. I was able to later go back and edit
the column information, but was not able to do so in the wizard.
The columns in question were Grapsid, Pagurid and Pinnotherid I believe. A
piece of the file is below:
date_in date_out buoy replicate sample_id Cancrid Crabs Grapsid Majid
Non-cancrid crabs Pagurid Pinnotherid Porcellanid Urchins
1992-03-20 1992-04-02 alpha 1 4859 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1992-03-20 1992-04-02 alpha 2 4860 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1992-03-20 1992-04-02 alpha 3 4863 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1992-03-20 1992-04-02 moms 1 4861 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Updated by Dan Higgins about 21 years ago
There is a bug in Morpho 1.4 in the TextImportWizard routine that displays the
average value of numeric columns when all the values are 0. [Code truncates the
string display of the average, but when all values are 0, the string has fewer
characters than expected.]
This code has been removed in the 1.5 version of Morpho. Thus problem has been
fixed for EML2.