Bug #1235
closedenable passthrough parameters to support stysheet params
Many different skins for metacat could take advantage of custom parameters in
the stylesheets. For example the OBFS registry has a need to add Edit and
Delete buttons to the resultset listing. A simple way to do this is to pass
paramters through metacat into the stylesheets to control the behavior of the
rendered output. This is currently hindered by the DBQuery.createSQuery()
function because it currently interprets all unknown parameters as XPaths that
should be written as an additional constraint in an squery. We need to
partially circumvent this feature in order for passthrough stlesheet parameters
to work.
Updated by Matt Jones about 21 years ago
Implemented this. Now, metacat.properties contains a new configuration
parameter called "query.ignored.params" which is a comma separated list of
paramters that should be passed through DBQuery.createSQuery without being
interpreted as a path expression. This allows these additional paramters to be
used in stylesheets and other places (html files) to customize the L&F of
particular skins.
The feature was implemented in order to allow the 'enableediting' parameter for
resultset.xsl to be passed through metacat without altering the query. This
parameter, when set to true, causes an 'edit' and 'delete' button to be included
for each record in the resultset. These buttons call the registry edit and
delete functions for the OBFS and (later) NRS and other registries.
Waiting for review of implementation from Matthew and Jing before closing this bug.
Updated by Matt Jones almost 21 years ago
FIXED. Closing bug as feature has been tested now.