Bug #1301
closedRepeatable button for Originators and Keywords entry
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Use the repeatable button for originator and keyword entry. This will allow
person to as many keywords and originator as they want.
This will use javascript and hence may restrict the browsers on which the form
can work easily.
Other way is to ask the user how many entries he/she wants to make. Then a new
window can be opened with the specified number of entry fields.
Updated by Saurabh Garg about 21 years ago
From Rick's comments:
When entering Additional Originators for one metadata set, I needed more than
10 available spots to enter all of the co-principal Investigators in the data
package. Suggest doubling the number of available spots.
Updated by Saurabh Garg almost 21 years ago
Has repeatable buttons for both Orginator and keywords and seems to work fine
with beta6 and eml2.