



Bug #1583


Typos/grammatical errors in "Intro to Metadata" documentation

Added by Andrea Andrea almost 21 years ago. Updated about 20 years ago.

morpho - general
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These are:
"Unfortunately, this often means that the value of ecological data diminish
over time...": should be "diminishes".

"Metadata is the information that describes “who, what where, when, why and
how” an ecological dataset...": missing a comma.

"...that describe the purpose of the data collection and the questions the
data were originally intended to address being collected to address.": take
out "being collected to address".

"is used for g eographic and spatial metadata": extra space.

"In addition, information about potential gaps in data collection or in the
collection of some variables.": need to have an end to the sentence, such
as "should be included".

"The Data Table contains information regarding the data table itself.": should
be "The Data Table section contains..."

"To use t his tool you first must register.": extra space; register where?

Actions #1

Updated by Veronique Connolly over 20 years ago

First paragraph, 3rd line, "descriptive information describing data content...":
drop "descriptive".

2nd paragraph, "...on analysis of individual data sets...": change to "datasets"
(as used throughout the document).

5th paragraph, " a site, identified as VO.": drop the comma after "site".

After Creating Metadata with EML heading, "NOTE: This for non-RDBMS datasets.":
add "is" after "This".

9th paragraph, ", time and location of data collection; who collected the
data sampling design; etc.": need semi-colon before "sampling design".

4th paragraph of "Creating Metadata with EML section", "The information in Table
4 is arranged in six broad metadata categories, each of which contains more
detailed metadata. These categories are somewhat arbitrary, but are intended to
categorize EML metadata fields in a way that is intuitive to ecologists. The
categories include the General Dataset, Geographic, Temporal, Taxonomic, Methods
and Data Table Metadata sections."
I would reorganize these sentences like this:
"The information in Table 4 is arranged in six broad metadata categories: the
General Dataset, Geographic, Temporal, Taxonomic, Methods, and Data Table
metadata categories. These categories are somewhat arbitrary, but are intended
to categorize EML metadata fields in a way that is intuitive to ecologists."

7th paragraph of "Creating Metadata with EML section", "...where samples were
collected and any spatial or geographic references that may...": add comma after

8th paragraph of "Creating Metadata with EML" section, "...(e.g. data was
collected every month between June 2002 & 2003)...": replace "data was" by "data
were" and replace "&" by "and".

11th paragraph of "Creating Metadata with EML" section, first line, "The Data
Table contains information regarding the data table itself.": add "Metadata
category" after "Table".

Paragraph in "Morpho" section, " It enables an ecologist to create, edit and
manage metadata and data tables.": add a comma after "edit".

Actions #2

Updated by Veronique Connolly over 20 years ago

This is something Andrea and I could work on.

Actions #3

Updated by Veronique Connolly about 20 years ago

I fixed this.

Actions #4

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 1583


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