Bug #1730
closedENM IID - Regridding (Resampling) of layer grid information
It is assumed that all the input layer data have been converted to a standard
ascii grid format; i.e. equally spaced (in lat/long spaced) with ascii space
delimited values (integers or fp?). This incluce some grid values marked as
having 'missing data'.
Example Header:
ncols 720
nrows 360
xllcorner -180.0
yllcorner -90
cellsize 0.5
NODATA_value -9999
All environment layers input to GARP must have the same resolution. We thus need
an actor which will regrid the raster to specified grid spacing (so that grids
match for all layers)
Responsible Party: Jianting?
Related issues
Updated by Dan Higgins over 20 years ago
Note on terminology:
In grass, there is a raster operation called 'r.resampling'. When the resolution
of a raster changes from lower to higher resolution, the high resolution cells
are assigned the same values as the cell within which they are located. In going
from high to lower resolution, the lower resolution cell is assigned the value
of the higher resolution cell nearest to its center. Thus 'resampling' always
assigns existing grid values to new grid positions. This process is primarily
meant to be used for categorical grid data. If the grid represents continuous
data, then one of several other raster algorithns which interpolate values to
the new locations is usually used. (Dan Higgins)