Bug #1993
openCan't expand width of column in text import wizard
This bug was reported by a participant of the Feb 2005 KNB workshop (reported in
Laura Downey's usability report):
The user was using the text import wizard and when things were displayed in
columnar format, the left most column could not be resized so that the entire
contents of the column could be seen.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 14 years ago
i've made this area wider, but it is still not resizable. Ideally this should be a JSplitPane so that you can expand it as much as you want (while squashing the other metadata), but I had problems rendering the page with this approach. Maybe a second try will be more fruitful - seems like some layout manager experimentation is in order. You have to be cautious because the attribute metadata fields are reused in this page and in the page that shows when you go back to edit this information.