Bug #2069
allow "complex terms" to be searched for in metasearch
Added by Michael Lee over 19 years ago.
Updated over 19 years ago.
need to allow searches for "acer saccharum". My suggestion: add white space
before and after each set of terms and search for " acer saccharum ", thus
avoiding "pseudoacer saccharum" being returned.
step 1: add white space around "the keywords" of an entity:
--add SQL: UPDATE keywords SET keywords = ' ' || keywords || ' ' WHERE keywords
NOT LIKE ' %' AND keywords IS NOT NULL;
step 2: parse string differently if " is passed. This is handled in .js ?
done on aldo. Pending final java once-over by pmark. checked into cvs. Works
great. xwhereMatchWholeWords added to allow just whole words using regExp
:<: and :>: for beginning and end of word. "anything in quotes" is
recognized as one word.
Original Bugzilla ID was 2069
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