Bug #2394
openMake Search by person easier: filter by plots submitted and plots contributed to
Allow searching by parties more easily. Filter to only data providers and project organizers, and perhaps plot PIs.
Have a list, make it searchable, then show the plots from those folks. Kind of have this with the "summary" info, but could be better.
Updated by Michael Lee almost 19 years ago
similar to this:
but more of a query, less of a browse
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
you can now search for people much more easily, from the party summary page:
Now this bug pertains to limiting the search to just those parties who have contributed to a plot or submitted the plot. So "Peet" [contrib] would search for all peet(s) who contributed to at least one plot. "Peet" [submit] would search for all parties who submitted plots.