Bug #2404
openEvaluate: Let users define bounding box with Google Maps, then show plots in that area
Start date:
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% Done:
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- would be cool to have AjaX function that calculates the number if plots within the map, and displays it every time the map resizes or moves. * if too many plots (>250?), could break map into sections and show # of plots in each. User could say, no please still map them all anyway. * could have different icon strategies. Dataset is simplest, and users could tag plots however into whatever datasets they like. * Perhaps tell them about print-screen or alternate ways of capturing the map to save it. * Share map with others by making public the dataset and details about the map (boundaries and zoom)
Related issues
Updated by Michael Lee almost 19 years ago
- Bug 2424 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
This is done. Converting this bug into an evaluation bug of the completed form.
you can link to it from the front page, or from here:
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
I just added a few features to this:
but unfortunately it broke the tool in IE.
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
This now works with both IE and Firefox.