I have confirmed that this is indeed happening-- the ordering gets messed up because each table is run in the order of tables (what order of tables, I don't know). Further, it seems that they are sorted in alphabetic order, not in order of the numeric keys in SQLStore.
So, the keys in SQLStore are like so:
dnrm-[table]-[sequence #]-[human readable description]
We should run all of the denormalizations, but in the order of [sequence #] not grouping by tables. The offending code is here:
The method init() is called and it "sorts" by table then sequence ID. This is called by LoadTreeToDatabase method runDenorms(), which itself loops through tables, but instead should call a new method in the DenormUtility which runs through all denorm statements in order, rather than requesting each table.
One SQLStore statement is wrong, I'm removing that in SQLStore now.
The implications of this is that plots are not properly denormalized and thus are embargoed (at least partly) by default.