Bug #2578
openData Manager Library: Release and Distribution
The Data Manager Library should be assigned a release number and distributed with the following components:
1. jar file (datamanager.jar)
2. javadoc API documentation
3. overview document which describes the API and provides usage examples
4. UML documents
a. class diagram
b. sequence of operations
The expected end-user is a programmer who will integrate the libary into a calling application. The Data Manager Library could be distributed on the EML product site.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 15 years ago
We should also provide all the supporting/runtime jar files needed to use the DML. In the past (possibly when this bug was entered) the datamanager.jar contained the class files from all the supporting jars "rejarred" into a single jar. This is no longer the case (nor should it be). Standard tool distributions usually include the main jar file along with a lib/ directory containing supporting jars. This also allows us to include specific versions of the supporting jars that are known to be compatible (postgres, hsql, xml processors, logging, ecogrid clients, etc...)