Bug #2584
closed3. "Ambiguous" CVS and NCNHP records mapped differently from other ambiguous records
Ambiguous data sources are mapped in yellow, except ambiguous CVS data sources, which are mapped in their usual Carolina blue, or they are missing (see above). This can be seen in the Acer rubrum map. The ambiguous CVS records also map on top of other ambiguous data sources, seeming to imply that their data is more reliable. (The same appears to apply to NCNHP data. Try, Hymenocallis occidentalis.)
RKP: This is NOT an error. A missing piece of information that needs to be in the website explanation is that CVS and NCNHP data are assumed to follow Weakley concepts, RAB follows Radford concepts, and USDA follows K99 concepts. Specimens are assumed to follow nominal concepts
Updated by Michael Lee about 18 years ago
contributed by Lisa Giencke & Stephen Seiberling
Comments by Bob Peet followed by RKP:
Updated by Xianhua Liu about 18 years ago
In NCU flora (the website), different data sources (e.g. CVS, NCU) follow different concept standands (e.g. Weakley, Small). These source-concept mappings are stored in the database and can be changed easily. Currently, CVS and NCNHP are set to follow Weakly's concepts. Since we query by Weakley's concepts, all hits in these sources contain no ambiguity. For other sources, such as NCU, the concept standards are not not clear. So we set them to follow the nominal concepts. If a nominal concept is greater than the Weakley's concept by which we run the query, specimens of that nominal concept will be treated as ambiguous identifications.
Updated by Robert Peet about 18 years ago
This bug requires only that the descriptive text adn help files be designed to provide appropriate explanation
Updated by Robert Peet almost 18 years ago
text will be part of homepage revision