Bug #2623
closed42. TaxonProgress updates
We need a way to keep the TaxonProgress table up to date. I think Lisa can do this if you rework the table a bit. The quick hack (which might be all we could do now) would be to migrate all the names in the TaxonName table into the TaxonProgress table. If you wish to think about a more elegant method that would not be too time consuming,. Please feel encouraged to do so.
Updated by Michael Lee about 18 years ago
This bug is originally from "other ideas and observations from Peet and Weakley"
Updated by xianhua liu almost 18 years ago
I wonder if there is a management console tool that I can use to access the Specify database remotely from my desktop. I want to check the current data and test some solutions. I am thinking that a triger to catch the 'insert' , delete' and 'update' events of the TaxonName table will do the job.