Bug #2653
closedRemoval of Databased Publications
There are two entries in our typology list in Specify that I think would be best to avoid in the atlas. These are Document and Reprint of Manuscript and are basically publications related to a type specimen. They don't have location data and so won't map, but they will show up as a specimen on that tab.
A search for Solidago villosicarpa, for example, returns 15 specimens, four of which are publications. Those four are unneccesary and uninformative and are potentially confusing to users at present.
Updated by Lisa Giencke over 18 years ago
This has been taken care of on our end. We have two pick lists now, Format (better name for it?) for Documents/Photographs/Reprints/Specimens and Typology for different kinds of type specimens. The atlas then, should ignore Document and Reprint for mapping purposes, and for Photograph, it'd be good to report the herbarium acronym where the original specimen is held, if applicable (other than NCU).
The Format field is stored as Method in the Determination table.
Herbarium Acronym is stored as PreperationMethod in the Collection Object table.