Bug #2659
closedStratumPlot not linked to HerbData
The stratum plot records are not properly linked in from the data sources for recent projects. StratumPlot.StratumPlotHerbIDNum is the field in question. We need to ideally get the entry databases for projects 47 and higher, and for the new Roanoke plots. If we can't get them, it will be somewhat easy to piece back together based on taxa.
Updated by Robert Peet about 18 years ago
These must be the plots that Joel uploaded. I am worried that he might have done a bunch of work on the plots after they were put into the entry tool, so it is dangerous to simply upload them again. At a minimum, Michael needs to consult Joel about what he may have done wnd which files represent the most recent versions of these plots.
This appears to be the plots loaded subsequent to version B1a. This would include projects 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57
Updated by Michael Lee over 16 years ago
This is under way. I have hit the main ones, and am going through what remains.
Updated by Michael Lee over 16 years ago
Version B2g_3.zip
I did this as part of prep work for import to new archive database. What a relief.
Updated by Michael Lee over 15 years ago
OLD ARCHIVE DATABASE, CVS_b2G.mdb (NCVSProto4.mdb derived, not from VegBank). I'm calling this 1.0.0 in Bugzilla.